Suramar Alliance Reconnections

WOW so many familiar names and guilds!! I was stoneyz and rolled a druid. I don’t remember the last guild but I was in a few. Played really hard in BC and more towards the end of vanilla. Lowlife pretty sure I remember you!

I was in DONT KILL ME, Solar Eclipse, Dawn of the midnight sun

Used to be Magnitron, dwarf holy paladin in The Black Chaos. Thinking about coming back, where we playing?

Rolled need on Earthshaker in first MC run…

Faromir - Holy Paladin
Barely Legal in Vanilla up to Naxx
Honour and Friendship Through TBC and 1/2 of WotLK

Chaplain here,
Dwarf Priest
The raiding guilds I remember being apart of are Dark Templar, Dark Valor, Bushido Blade, Iron Tower.

I will be running Corpsman an Undead Priest on Mankrik if you want to catch up

Hey, I was Nickolos, a dwarf hunter, probably wouldn’t remember me very well though, might remember my cousin however, Jizabelle, human warrior

Hi guys, Saibris here - Excited about getting back into it tomorrow!

Iron Tower and Conviction. Off-tank MC/BWL/AQ40. I had a weird name like Rangerscout or something. I remember Gammon and a raid leader dwarf healer.

Also check out warcraftrealms i was able to find stoneyz on there and all the guilds i had been in. Pretty cool

warcraftrealms. com/charhistory.php

Glok is my brother was GM of THE ALL MiGHTY. I Joined with this toon when they started on The Black Temple.

I miss Stslong, Emren, Pad and others.

We’ll be rolling on Old Blanchy

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Shweet! How you been? It’s been so long - really looking forward to playing some classic.

Hey Subteran its Bombadas from Notdeadyet. Me and my son will be playing on a pvp server so let me know what server you end up on so we can hangout. great to see ya

Still here and chasing bunny around Azeroth. Suramar Guilds: Acid Reign and Champions Light.

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This is MagicPirate from Disposable Heroes I miss onitsuka too…

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Still in touch with anyone from MM? I miss hearing Changito yell at us in raids. I hang out with our old feral tank Vijay/Lespetites (can’t remember what name he used) all the time.

I’ve been good, hope it’s the same for you. It’s been an extremely long time, probably not since wotlk. I’ll be playing classic as well, this time as horde on herod. Have fun wherever you decide to go. Say hi to Cordae and any of the other people up there who played with us for me.

Dude! Good to see you still around!

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Hey Ivy, yea I remember Glok! How is he doing? I hope you all are doing okay!

Yea, I transferred servers and I kind of regretted it because I think I would’ve had more fun in TAM. :frowning:

I’am probably going to play on Pagle for a bit before going back to retail… I don’t really miss classic that much. lol

Cerdnee- NE warrior/tank

TheRegulators/ with a stint in DarkPhoenix- Suramar obviously.

Just seeing who is still playing.

What up peoples! Lots of old names I recognize here! I played a bunch of chartacters but my original main was Dewfis. I see lots of old TBC folks, can’t wait to farm FR buff for rag again :wink:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
    Sadie - Warrior - Human (name changed from Enyah)
    Ahntay - Priest - Draenei (I know not technically classic)
    Perks - Shaman - Draenei (Also not classic)
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
    Champion’s Light
    Old School
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.