Support Ticket Question

How long usually does a support ticket last I am trying to get into my old account, so I was just wondering what my time line is.

Usually less than 24 hours. The estimated time on your ticket is generally accurate, but it may increase at times depending on the tickets in front of yours.

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Thank you, I just can’t get into it at all because of the old authenticator I set up. Which I guess It works because it keeps me out of my own account lol.

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To be clear, the time displayed when a player opens a ticket is the age of the oldest ticket currently in queue. It isn’t a timer nor does it ‘count down’.

Depending on the nature of the issue, a ticket may be addressed sooner or later than the time displayed, but always as quickly as they’re able.


For an account recovery like this, you could try Live Chat when it opens.


Live chat was going to be my suggestion as well.

Be sure to have a copy of your ID ready to go to prove account ownership as well.


For something like this, I’d also recommend Live Chat, they’ll be open in a bit.