Support this tweet/LFG Addons

i’m going to enjoy this addon.

LFG addons are not incompatible with classic though :man_shrugging:

Nothing is incompatible with Classic. Transmog, Achievement, LFG etc…

But are we coming back to Classic to get all those QoL ? I doubt.

The game will be Vanilla, the issue is the freedom of the addons, people are litteraly trying to put as much QoL as possible into the game because it’s “convenient”.

They don’t care about the change of behavior the could bring. They only care about them.

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Get rid of it Blizzard. Thanks

Concerned (actual legit) Classic WoW fan.

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No one I repeat NO ONE can force me to use such addons I would rather wait hours looking for a group of people not using it then get a group right away using it.

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As someone who is against ANY type of addon and would like them ALL banned…

How is this bad? It’s not cross-server. It’s good, the game should have had a LFG system(SAME SERVER) added into it. FFXI did, and it came out 2 years before WoW.

I say just ban ALL addons.

Hell no. Please Blizzard, destroy this add-on n don’t let it in.

Those players for this add-on are precisely exactly the same group of people that destroyed retail. You’re playing an mmo. You need to interact. You need to socialize. Finding a group n ensuring your group doesn’t suck is part of the game. Adding in a tool that takes away the effort required to make a group is 100% an example of retail WoW and the cancer that killed it.

If you say that the add-on simply helps but you’re still interacting n communicating, it’s still one step easier, one step more brainless, one step closer to garbage retail. You’re thematically removing a socializing aspect of the game for the sake of saving 20 minutes so you can farm, PvP, otherwise become busy WHILE the add-on does your socialization job of finding the group for you.

Heyall no. Get out. You idiots killed classic bit by bit slowly but surely removing one aspect at a time that makes an MMORPG a MMORPG. GTFO.

“If you aren’t gonna use it why do you care?!” Because it creates a ripple effect if it catches fire that once started will be the new group gathering meta. This add-on stands to do your job of socializing for you. It kills classic. It reeks of retail and anti social. Get. Out.


supporting a tweet sounds a little dirty. stop the could be if cards played right sexual herassmint

Just because you didn’t know everyone else was using addons back then, some of which are many times much more powerful than what the current API allows, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. You were just blissfully unaware. If that knowledge is too much to handle, then I guess you’re going to miss out on an amazing experience in old Azeroth.

Have you considered trying to make a guild of people that don’t use addons? As long as you aren’t super concerned with your progress relative to other guilds, it seems like a viable solution. You can’t be the only one that doesn’t want to use them, assuming that all of the anti-addon threads are sincere and not just trolling.

Since a lot of people still don’t seem to understand how different this is than an automated system, read the description of and compare!

now that you can be more angry and annoyed by. Enjoy!

I have no idea if it actually works or is just trolling, but at least it helps you understand how drastically different ClassicLFG is from an actual automated system.

the description makes me wonder if its a deliberate troll

but im not worried about a LFR addon at all. if you want to wipe for 4 hours and not even reach lucifron then who am i to tell you what to do with your time

you would be lucky if half the raid knows how to get into MC or is attuned

other thread got locked this one will be locked next

It was autlocked due to flagging abuse

I remember in vanilla I wished blizzard would make a LFG UI. I remember there was an addon called call to arms that seemed good, but it didnt catch on with the community.

then in wotlk they added LFD. they completely overdid it. cross realm? auto group? teleport to the dungeon? completely destroyed the social aspect and enjoyment of running a dungeon. turned into an aoe speed run where the only thing you saw in chat was “gogogogo”. nothing about the players attitude or reputation mattered since you would just get dumped into some random group. some people would bail once they saw which random dungeon they ended up in, wasting the time of 4 others. complete garbage

if they added the group finder from wod instead and just left it at that it would have been so much better.

idk where im going with this post. thanks for reading. bye

You know getting bliz to remove something like this wont stop people jumping in a lfg discord right lol…

Blizzard has already stated they will break this type of add on.


Ban the addons that do this. Right from the horse’s mouth:

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umm that was like a year ago. They already banned the addons during the beta. Anything that is still here is fair game

It’s a great addon, it doesn’t harm anything in classic. Take the stick out.

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Do what? What do you think this does? Most people I’ve seen make this statement have an extremely skewed view of what the addon does

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