Support needed

Please voice support in increasing the Conquest cap in TWW:

Nah, I like for there to be a cap.

its 700 more conquest after 10 weeks BUT we no longer get a pvp vault so we lost 9ish pieces of gear that could of been upgrades for 700 conquest after 10 weeks

There’ll always be one but the amount of conquest we’re being offered in compensation for the removal of vault rewards likely isn’t sufficient.

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it would make sense if they added 700 conquest a week since they removed the vault it would make sense but we get this…

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Or you could have gotten a piece you already have.

not the point but true

this is exactly my point. I do not understand why this is a thing. if someone finds out, please post it. I’m totally lost & confused at this.

I don’t think it’s the worst thing that could happen–it takes a lot of the RNG out of PVP gearing so people who luck into their weapon week 1 don’t have a power/conquest advantage over people with bad luck all season.

As to why they can’t make the conquest cap a little higher? Good question, it doesn’t affect anyone negatively–PVE players will still gear way faster and there being a cap stops people from no-lifing to get full geared in a day or two versus people who can only play a few hours a week.

Definitely seems like a good change that could have been executed better.

They severely need to adjust the conquest for RBGB, though. Why am I getting 58 per win in RBGB, and 93 for 3v3–when I can do 5 or 6 3’s matches in the time it takes me to complete a single RBGB. lol


They want people to q the bracket instead of content they want to play


Because putting together 3s queues is more involved.

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If we’re going from a sheer time investment for conquest point of view, I don’t think it takes longer to throw together yolo 3’s than it does to queue and complete a bgblitz.

People vetting groups aren’t conquest farming, I wouldn’t think.

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Oh, and encouraging people to, like, group

That’s where Blizzard loses me. If something isn’t enticing enough on it’s own merit to draw popularity, why don’t they fix the reasons people aren’t playing it instead of attempting to force disinterested people to do it?

RSS has taught us, at bare minimum, that the LFG experience needs updating.

Their numbers are backwards for some of the brackets. It’s 52 for subsequent 3v3 wins and 58 for subsequent Blitz wins. Still the point stands though as there should be much higher conquests rewards for a Blitz win compared to 3v3. Blizzard has always rewarded more for activities that require larger groups.

Neither of these explanations make sense when you look at shuffle conquest values compared to 3v3. Also Blizzard has always offered larger rewards for end game content that requires larger groups (more gear in larger raids, more conquest from rated bg’s, etc.).

Rated Solo Shuffle - 1st Daily Win 115
Arena 3v3 - 1st Daily Win 93
Rated Battleground Blitz - 1st Daily Win 115

please not I corrected the 1st win value for 3v3

I think the simple answer is whoever is in charge of this now is just not very good at it or doesn’t care. The conquest reward values as a whole are way way off and the differences between brackets doesn’t make sense either. When I look at this and think back on the PvP producer interview Venruki did and how the guy seemed pretty clueless it just paints a picture of overall incompetence.


this; do not get it at all. not that I expected anything else but yea

Yeah it’s the old saying “better to quietly look like an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”. The feeling of overall uncertainty from that interview just made me wonder “if this is the best foot forward they can put, what does it look like behind the scenes”.

Blitz/Solo aren’t 10 player activities in the traditional sense as you just press a button and are thrown into a game

Idk about that.


They always try to encourage premade content

This does not address what was said. Shuffle and 3v3 are the same amount of people yet shuffle awards more conquest dispelling your notion that that the devs reward more conquest for 3v3 because putting the group together is more involved or to encourage grouping.


Pve gear better be garbage in PvP in TWW