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How many 3s can one play in the time of a shuffle queue

You argued against this being a reason for extra conquest earlier lol.

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Yeah and 3s gives more what

Nerf shuffle rewards again

Not following along sorry.

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kennie plays ret war fw deathball so he only knows zug



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Oh, and hey do you have that email template thing from Dred

I found another DH

They at least need to increase the first week to allow 2h users to get weapons. Having the first week granting weapons to everyone except 2h users is a meme


Why is it always a DH /sigh


This is just to report that player “blank-tichondrius” may have used real money transactions (RMT) to get boosted by his 3v3 teammates for the Gladiator achievement between the dates on February 8th and February 18th 2024. Please look into this matter and thank you for your time.


Thank you.

Spec is finally strong enough for them to be self-played. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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Because it’s stupid. If you started a BBQ restaurant that got popular but 20 years later business fell off dramatically, but then you started putting pizza on the menu and suddenly you saw record sales–you don’t double down and only serve pizza as part of a BBQ order, you realize that maybe pizza is going to be your flagship menu item and start focusing heavily on pizza, but keep BBQ for heritage and loyal customer purposes.

Why add more incentives to a popular activity that wouldn’t benefit from them

You aren’t benefiting the activity, you’re benefiting the players by not making something that requires more of a time commitment give less currency than something else.

Why do I need to win 2 Blitz matches (roughly 40ish minutes of time invested) to get the same rewards as winning 1 3’s match (which will generally take 2-5 minutes)? There’s no logical reasoning for it, outside of trying to low key keep people playing 3s.

Which is why I said if 3s can’t merit activity on it’s own, it’s a dumb design to try to strongarm people into participating. I assure you, 3s would be fine without Doors.

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That is what I have been trying to say aaaaaaaa

I doubt they put that much thought into it. Time invested is not something they think about, in a sense. They’d rather put a carrot in front of you, I.e. something to work for. What I mean by that is, they want you to improve in skill, which takes a long term time investment, to be able to win in 3s instead of relying on an battleground game mode (that’s easy to farm).

But they don’t care if someone mindlessly plays bgs for the same rewards because they’ll still have access to the same gear rewards after playing it for a while because the end result is still player engagement.

I understood that when you said it, my argument is that I don’t know why they’re doing it.

Arranged 2s/3s can just be a stable of extremely die-hard players who play it because they love it. I don’t see why RBGB can’t just give adequate conquest so I can play it a few hours a week and cap, like I can normal arena (and probably RSS).

RBGB gives nearly the same rewards as unrated content. Lol

“Please play together”.

With a friend? What are those?

Well, I’m not gonna. I’m a BGman, Ken, it’s all I’ve ever wanted to be and by God soon enough I’ll be able to. But what I will do is chide and disrespect Blizzard’s decision to bend me over because I’m not a fan of the marquee game type from 17 years ago. lol


I don’t really care if the vault is deleted and things stay as they are, I’ve absolutely never gotten a weapon on any character early.