I have no desire to be any more specific than the title, and i can’t imagine it’s needed… Support asked me to add $50 to my b(.)net balance, which I did within minutes of being asked-- and I haven’t heard back in over 24 hours.
I can’t play dungeons because of server instability, and support is essentially robbing me?
Not sure what is going on over at ACTVI but it is unacceptable.
Viewing the support article for the issue in question tells you to purchase a duplicate copy of the original transaction to unlock your character. Which I did prior to contacting support. After contacting support when this did not resolve thie issue, i was told i needed to add an additional $50 onto my b(.)net balance. No matter which way you look at it, they’re getting $100 for 3 race changes over this and my characters are still locked at this point.
If you placed a manual ticket, then it may fall under the normal time for a ticket which if I recall correctly was mentioned today to be at roughly 24-48 hours.
So, I would recommend a little more patience. I know it’s not Blizz’s intentions to steal from their customers
Nah I just did a race change just fine. Some things take longer than 24 hours as that’s probably just the beginning of their SLA. Blizzard is not robbing you.
I find that to be quite odd and highly unlikely because my first two messages had less than 10 minutes to get a response-- odd that they ask for money and then all of a sudden forget there’s a ticket there once the $$$$ is in their hands.
Early access, server instability issues on product delivery, nonfunctioning systems…
Wish i could see it the way you do, but this is shaping up to be the last expansion most of my guild will ever buy. No one likes being unable to log into their characters, much less scheduling time for raids/dungeons/group content to not be able to login or worse yet, be unable to even complete their desired activities.
Unless there is further information that we are not aware of at this time. The information provided previously is still correct. You will have to exercise patience until your ticket is addressed by a GM.
You actually have two open, Thieldtham. They are both under Tech. Purchases would probably have been a better category, but where these are is fine, still a priority queue.
it doesn’t look like they were. Orlyia can see the actual tickets in the queue. If she says they were opened under Tech, they were open under Tech. She has no reason to lie about that. It really isn’t a big deal as the queues are both priority, but I just wanted to point out that there might have been something wonky happening when you opened the ticket.