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Why are we always supporting streamers? Shouldn’t they support us?


seeing none on AH

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Ahh the simps are out


Sounds good to me. I get free stuff for doing what I normally do anyway.


Think of the poor suffering streamers who will struggle without a promotion like this, just to have viewers use them for a few hours and forget they exist, until the next free item comes out.


Only thing bad about wow streams imo, is that if you don’t play wow you have absolutely no idea what is going on. I don’t think it brings new players in, only older ones to return.

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Go pay a scalper on eBay $1500 for the mount then

It’s a really weird method, but as you can see, there will always be some, who defend Blizzard, no matter what. :sweat_smile:


Keep it up, Blizzard! I love it when they value these ridiculous TCG items. Spectral Tiger when?


I really hate that they’re tying in paying someone else to play the game that we… checks notes… already pay money to play ourselves.

“You want this pet? Pay this rando person who’s playing this game instead of us.”

I’d rather just buy it from the stupid store than pay some random person. At least then I know it’s going somewhere potentially useful to the game instead of some random persons bank account.


A lot of people on the forums do it in bad faith to flame others for fun, because if they take a particular position, then they’re immune to scrutiny on their trolling.

It’s not about being pro-blizzard for a lot of commenters, it’s about finding a way to have their fun on the forums without being in the spotlight.


I was joking >.< i forgot my emojis for once.

I know you were just joking. I wasn’t referring to you when I talked about some people defending absolutely every single decision made by Blizzard, no matter what it might be.

Seems like it.

Obviously not.
Dont be ridiculous.

Ill either put it on and leave it running without watching a second of it.
Or ill not get it at all.

Honestly ill probably just not bother because the inconvenience of setting up the stream is more annoying than the benefit of having a mount i wont use once.

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I actually made a post about that in the past. People would stay keep playing even if blizzard did something they would NEVER forgive another person for doing. Even went as far as saying Blizzard could be the cause of WWIII and people would STILL keep playing.

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Streamers, streamers, streamers. :roll_eyes:


It’s basic advertising. Don’t over think it.


I’m just fed up with blizzard practices and people take me for a ride quite often in various threads.

Thus if I don’t hold back with my commentary or repeat the same points, oh well.

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Unfortunately, you can find such people in every community. In the case of WoW, some might have nothing else in their lives besides this game and feel personally attacked if someone dares to criticize it. :dracthyr_shrug:


You really think there are any people left for WoW to attract to the game, that don’t already know about it? The game does not need “advertisement” it needs an overhaul.

Then consider it a personal attack. Anyone who has NOTHING else in their life but WoW, needs to take a look at ALL the options that have came and went in the last 20 years.

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