Super Squirt on Dec. 5th

Upcoming Super Squirt day for NA/Oceanic: Thursday, December 5th, 2019

What is Super Squirt, team ideas, and more info on Guide to Squirt (dates on the guide haven’t been updated, but everything else is still relevant):

Enjoy, happy battling!


Huzzah. I might repost in general cause almost no one checks in here nowadays.

In addition we also get 5 days of exp boosted Darkmoon Faire battles which is enough to level one pet from 1 to 25 each day. Do it on an uncapped character because each battle gives you double quest exp (once for the fight and once for the quest) and with the anniversary bonus that’s a lot of deliciously efficient play.

Thank you! I will have my garrison posted in LFG under Custom, I think that’s right. Its a lvl 3 menangerie, and there’s the Hallows undead pets on site. Thanks again.

Has the pet xp you get from Squirt decreased? I used to go from level 1 to 24(ish) in one battle with the Safari Hat. Now I have the Safari Hat and a Lesser Pet Treat and I’m going from level 1 to level 18 in one battle.

All the supersquirts I’ve done did (with the hat) 1-17 and 17-25 as two battles. I’ve never gotten to 24 in one fight…

Likewise. I just got 1-18 in my first two fights (hat and lesser pet treats), and I never recall getting much more than that.

I just added greater pet treat and got from 1 to 19.

I don’t think 1-24 was ever a thing.

Never a thing, I’ve leveled over 600 pets using Super Squirt over the years and never been a point of using more than hat, cause you are stuck doing two battles.

In the past expansions, would get my pets to believe 13 via world quests, then with all treats and hat was one battle to 25. Would save them up for super squirt. Hard to do that now in current zone pet battles, Blizzard allows you to battle them all and therefore killed the experience gains.