Supatease roasts BM Hunter TWW Hero trees in a new video


In times where nobody creates hunter TWW content, and devs have been “cleaning up” hunter hero trees for a month already with nothing else to announce “at this time”, Supatease does it again!

Total destruction of both Dark Ranger and Pack leader:

“This is the most generic, AI-generated, basic hunter ability-throughput-increasing, no-flavor, talent tree”

It’s refreshing to have somebody say things as they are in the sea of Blizzard sycophants “content creators” with alpha access who only play nice not to fall out of favor with big daddy and lose their privilege next time around.

Thanks, Supa, for being real!


I really don’t think we need an update every time a YouTube video about hunter is posted


Yes we do. At least until we get actual news


Why? I genuinely don’t see the point

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If you don’t see the point, then there’s no point in even trying to explain it since you won’t get it anyway.


I really don’t think we need you to post every time Kirenaika makes a post about a YouTube video about hunter being posted.


Thank you for the high engagement with my forum topics. You are often one of the first to reply, which, despite the negative opinions, shows that you find these topics relatable in one way or another. Otherwise why would you bother, even if only to say you don’t care?

In case it wasn’t clear, I have no intention of stopping posting these topics, so don’t bother trying to persuade me otherwise. By replying you’re essentially bumping them, for which, again, I am thankful.


I’m in agreement with your post here. I appreciate Supatease’s unfiltered response to the trees. A lot of the content creators would say stick figure animations are the best “new” animations they’ve seen since game’s launch, if they thought a negative comment would get them excommunicated from their instant-Alpha invites.


Exactly, Supa knows his worth and is not afraid of voicing his opinion - positive or negative


The hero trees are a lazy joke. The entire concept is bad. We don’t need a video.


Thank you for the updates. I don’t scour youtube for content myself so it’s nice to be able to come here and find the good ones.

Ignore the people who don’t know how to simply scroll past something they’re not interested in.


hey guys just updating you here some guy in discord said he didnt like a hero tree. stay tuned for more

edit: bad news guys someone on twitter said they were excited about the hero trees


This seems like a pretty cop out response but ok. Would you like me to update you each time a Twitter post is made about the hunter hero talents as well?

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Sure. Go ahead

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just read someone that said black arrow is cool

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He roasts all of the hero specs for hunter apart from sentinel but even sentinel isnt that much compared to what DK\Mage got. Some classes just got it better imo.

Mage gets like 3-4 amazing reworks in a couple of years and great hero talents and another rework in the war within and hunter hasnt had a rework in years and all hero trees are pretty flat.

To be fair, if they get somebody to rework hunter that doesnt know what they are doing they could make it worst somehow. I hope whoever reworks hunter goes back and plays some MOP\Cata hunter.


As of right now, it isn’t even a question. Take one look at demonology warlock and then compare that to something like Beast Mastery Hunter and they aren’t even close. I mean, they even got some really cool references from the TWO RAID BOSSES FROM ANTORUS and they actively affect the way dreadstalkers play.

BM has summon a pet, another pet which is technically an auto attack bot that benefits from beast cleave, and then maybe sometimes a third auto attack bot that gives ~50 focus over 10 seconds, is smaller then a regular level 10 worg and doesn’t affect your kit at all

There is just no comparison right now.


The Hunter Class was originally born from uncertainty and thrown together at the last minute before Original Alpha. That is why it was launched with Mana and Mail and every weapon was considered a “Hunter Weapon”. People complain about other classes getting redesigned and I hear you but there hasn’t been another class that goes through as many drastic changes as Hunter has since launch.

Hero Talents will not be comparable to other classes. After all of these years there still isn’t a consistent design philosophy of the spec’s that is well received by the player base. People play they class because they enjoy it but it will remain the afterthought of class philosophy discussion.

I will give them credit that they are not afraid to throw idea’s against the wall to see if it sticks.

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Very true, looking at the demo locks rework which is nearly 10 years old now and comparing them to bm, it just shows how outdated hunter is.

Hunter needs a big rework honestly for class and spec trees.


how do you figure? I know BM and SV have hardly changed since 2018