Supatease roasts BM Hunter TWW Hero trees in a new video

What is your end game here?
Do you think its beneficial for us to just say our opinion once and let it fester?

We need to be annoying gnats constantly trippling down on why we are so upset.
We have been pretty constant for the past month now and this is not the time to ease off the gas.


This. Its pretty evident the only way Blizzard will pay any attention is if the entire forum, community and any mention of the word Hunter is nothing but a tidal wave of negative feedback and disgust that they cant ignore.


always like a good pack leader roast. the most boring “couldve been an email” talent tree of all.


have you missed a few trees?

Don’t stop posting, the day will eventually come where we will get the change we deserve.


Come on now, don’t try to pull this with me.

“Guys you don’t need to keep repeating yourselves!!”

Another week where the Alpha has MORE Warlock, DK and Mage Changes.
Oh, and Evoker & Monk are getting some love too.

:cricket: :cricket: :cricket:


Alpha build 6 - no hunter changes :pensive: sad times, friends

Hope is now for lucky build 7


I mean you can definitely explain how you disagree if you want but SV has the same gameplay loop it has had since BfA

Whatcha mean? Hunters got changes, didn’t you see the note:

AnA random enemy affected by Sentinel within your Lunar Storm gets struck for (75% of Attack power) Arcane damage every 0.4 sec. Any target struck by this effect takes 10% increased damage from you and your pet for 8 sec.

What else can you expect from the janitor?


Maintaining the same gameplay loop does not equate to having a consistent design philosophy. Just look how all 3 specs have interacted historically with each form of borrowed power. Feast or Famine

It is obvious that the current development team does not have a perceived goal or target design of several classes. All 3 hunters specs are included in that list. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t trying, it just means that it hasn’t been discovered yet. As I pointed out earlier it has been this way since the launch of the game. Maybe it is in a constant change of flux by design, I don’t know, I am not in the room with them.

People will continue to play this class because of class fantasy, low barrier of entry, nostalgia, or pure enjoyment but I do not ever see the developers finding a sweet-spot of design philosophy. Roll with the constant changes or roll another class.

I maintain a max level casual time hunter for every expansion because I continue to enjoy some aspects of the class. I might return to maining it next expansion after maining a druid since TBC. I am not happy with the pre-alpha presentation but I am not going to sit there and scour patchnotes daily and be surprised when hunters aren’t mentioned.


to be fair, survival hunter is the only spec to have gone through a role change (from ranged to melee) but you are right, hunter has felt largely the same since Legion and that is precisely why I have let my sub run out and have (currently) no real interest in TWW, hopefully something will change but for now, I am just gonna move on to other things =(

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Go drop comments on the feedback threads that are posted by blizzard then. If I was a blizz employee given how cooked even the official feedback threads are I’m definitely not reading any of the other posts.

I have. Several times.


The squeaky wheel gets the grease

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You’re not here to determine what “we” / the community want to see posted in the threads.

When you say:

What you mean is you.

Go ahead and post twitter posts in the forums.

If people find them interesting, they’ll comment and engage with you. If they don’t, they’ll tell you as much, or, more likely, ignore you, as you should’ve done.

In the meantime, take a chill pill.


unless the wheel is squeaking about things that don’t make any sense / squeaking at things that aren’t even in game

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If it’s posted in the right place :man_shrugging:

Isn’t that what I did?

Try reading my comment next time

Think you need to take a chill pill friend

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