Supatease’s Melee PvP Tier List (Post Updates)

Feral actually doesn’t counter a lot of comps rn, jungle has issues Pally and rn Hpal is literally 75% of healers. Feral is fine, and fun. I don’t really agree that it’s as good as supa thinks but it’s an opinion based list.

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I think Arms and WW are about tied in their level of dominance. WW might be harder to play at that broken level, but when played right it is the equal of arms.

For A+, I think Ret is actually alone by itself in that tier. For A, frost dk, enhance, feral, rogue, in that order.

The basic gist is the same though. There’s ww and arms, and then there’s everything else.

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scariest comp rn imo

na has like 3 ferals and 2 of them are jungle monkeys

fmp is possibly best comp for mage and pala not just feral

Does FMP stand for Fire Mage Pally?

They have different strengths. Warrior has utility. WW has unhealable dmg

Enh is not op but turbo is

Instant classic comment lmao.

The same world where dh is as high as b tier. :rofl:

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Feral, havoc, survival all need to go down a grade or two, everything else is spot on. WW and warrs both need nerfs

A few of the “jungle monkeys” have said they tried fmp an didn’t think it was that notable, like good, but not much better than the other comps they’ve run.

Feral can reach very high ratings with FMP. Not debating whether the spec is on the same tier as warriors but it has a t1 comp

I wouldn’t call any feral comp t1, or else you’d probably see it succeed in any sense in the AWC. But being an A tier comp is still good enough to climb to pretty much any rating.