Supatease’s Melee PvP Tier List (Post Updates)

Happened with a lot of other specs

Ignore him, hes a little slow in the head.

IMO, every single spec in the entire game should be viable at any given point. Anything less is not acceptable and just signs of poor class design/balance.

Classes and specs are the lifeblood for how we experience this game. They should take precedent over literally any content, both PvE and PvP wise.


I would agree, but I also get the sense that some players feel that some specs, classes or roles shouldn’t have a presence in pvp. Like BM. Or tanks.


If you watched the video, he explains why Warriors and WW are S tier for that reason.

Tl;dr classes want to play with S tier classes, non S classes are good but niche picks.

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Spot on. I am happy frost is in A tier at least… Warrior and WW are overpowered and I hope they get nerfed soon. Honestly I do not understand why we are not seeing more Sin rouges… with the recent buffs they are doing hella damage

It still seems very strange to put Sv Hunter, a spec that no one uses because it’s downright bad at the moment, right behind specs like Sub/Enhance/FDK, which each have strong, even if they are niche, comps.

It’s really really generous. There should be at least half a dozen empty tiers between the two.

ya ban tanks and demo locks


Haha get it guys pets r bad and 4 noobs hehe xd pls give upvotes now

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buff feral nerf warrior

In what world is Feral A tier?!

“survival hunters. nobody wants to play with you except maybe a feral druid” Tbh nobody wants to play with us hunters no matter the spec lmao

I think it’s a counter to some comps, but it’s a niche pick.

It’s actually just not bad at all, idk why people think it’s not. Feral was also really good at the end of BfA and it had only like one comp rlly, and now it has multiple comps lol

And word has it there are like 2 class devs which is backwards as hell to me

Been really leaning towards gearing up a Feral so this has me curious. What comps do you think Feral counters?

Anything with a mage really

How come? /10

Their slows and snares arnt an issue for ferals, barkskin/frenzied regen conduit is always up for every combust attempt. Can los their damage easy and heal behind pillars. Boomies are also good vs mage.

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I’m looking forward to his new caster list, and honestly I want to see a COMPARISON list, because even an S tier caster would barely be B tier compared to the melees.

Your opinion is bad and sucks