<Sup Breh> 8/8 Heroic 2/8 M Undermine (2 Day) LF Rdruid & More

Anyone good, please feel free to contact me.

Two days of raiding has never felt so good.

sup brehhhh

So many Brehs

Breh’s for days.

Trickle on in…

You know that guy Jaedan? I hear he dumps!

I see you brehh

Looking for brehs who can dump and pump.

Looking for a few more quality players to really push prog in Undermine!

Cant find a damn mage hunter or holy paladin anywhere LUL. Let alone exceptional talent. xD

Treat yourself and become a breh.

A little ta-la-vi… followed by a little say-la-vi…

The weekend is here!

Weekends over now breh.

Sup! LF a Raid team for season 2. Long time Raider just returning back to wow. Main R Shammy/R Druid. LF a great guild. Happy to apply currently grinding for 3k in M+, also willing to join to push keys!

Discord: trueblood42

Raider IO Truewater

Also have a H Pally, Priest, I can raise… Monk got a lot going on but i have that in my back pocket for M+

Welcome to the Breh club.

Huge guild, pump always on.

7/8M this week!