sup breh - Illidan [H]
is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that’s comprised of leadership that has been playing WoW at a competitive level since the early days of Classic back in 2004. The previous guilds under our leadership have competed in the top 10 to 50 US bracket from WotLK through Legion, and more recently the Classic relaunch in 2019. This time around we plan on having a more casual approach to raiding, with a lighter raid schedule and no expectation to clear all mythic content. That said, make no mistake that we will respect your time and push for efficiency and excellence within our 6 hour raid schedule.
- Preparation: consumables, addons, and knowledge of raid encounters.
- Effort: integration with the guild in order to become a consistent team member and performer within raids.
- Drive: improvement of personal play and the ability to give and receive constructive criticism.
- Tuesday & Wednesday @ 7:30-10:30pm EST
- Unlike most guilds who claim to be 2 days, we stick to our schedule and don’t push for additional days during progression.
Competitive slots available for:
- Devastation Evoker
- Elemental Shaman
- Disc Priest / Holy
- Resto Druid (High Need, have 0)
Please contact our leadership for more information.
Jaedan#1739 (Main contact)