<Sup Breh> 8/8 Heroic 2/8 M Undermine (2 Day) LF Rdruid & More

suhhhh breh

Suhh Brehh :slight_smile:

Pump, pump, pump it up~ :open_mouth:

Almost got court

No Hunters / DKs or healers exist :frowning:

sup brehhhh

Where the pumpers @ breh ?

Breh do the right thing, join the guild breh

Bump it up!

Still looking for a dk?

Yes we are. Add me Jaedan#1739

Bump is up playaaaaa

You are such a QT playa

pump it up playaaaaa

No you, playaaa. Where them classes at ?

Big papa pump :open_mouth:

You guys potentially looking for a lock by chance?

Hey Blind. A solid one, absolutely. Please add me @ #Jaedan1739 on bnet. Hope to talk with you soon. Thanks !

Pump, dump, and bump :hugs:

We’re always looking for passionate and exceptional players.