Sunwell Commander w/loot despawned immediately at gauntlet

[Pattern: Robe of Eternal Light] dropped off commander at the end of the gauntlet, then the mod despawned so fast it was unable to be looted by the master looter.

I already submitted a ticket for item restoration and was told by GM to post it here.

Had the same issue at the same spot with a Glove of the Immortal Dusk pattern. Except for us it was on group loot and everyone saw the loot window pop up. Two people even were able to pass before the loot despawned. GM said there was no known bug so they couldn’t do anything but I am going to keep pushing since it’s clearly an issue.

in the future we will probably just leave the loot on free for all for this section and trade the loot around to avoid this.

This happened to us last night. The commander dropped an engineering helm schematic and despawned in about 10 seconds.

This happened with this mob back in 2008 so I bet they’ll just say “working as intended” and send you on your way.

This issue is probably generalised. I have had issues with loot disappearing in dire maul farming (shendalar rep) since the past week or so bodies disappear WAY too fast.

if anyone is able to convince them it’s a bug, please post here. I talked to 4 different GMs and basically the consensus was that if it’s not a “verified bug” they can’t/won’t do anything. So they asked us to submit bugs in game. Pretty disappointing considering how much evidence there is and how valuable this particular pattern was for us.