Sunreavers [spoilers]

Or a Zandalari working with the person that recently destroy their city and killed their king… Awkward to say at least.


There are so many unresolved questions in this scenario that it’s too early to speculate. Were the Sunreavers guarding Baine? Sylvanas obviously knows about Baine being rescued and even seemingly wants it to happen since the Loyalist scenario plays out the same way. Did Sylvanas station these Sunreavers there knowing they would be killed? Are Jaina and Thrall stumbling around in the dark and the Sunreavers are just the first group they run into?

I’m happy that Blizzard is acknowledging that many Horde consider Jaina a cold-blooded murderer. Not sure why we have to help her though.

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thralll and jaina sitting in a tree!

the fact that theyre bringing my favorite power couple back was almost enough to make me resubscribe out of sheer nostalgia

Shame Horde Loyalists are likely going to have to kill them too. I respect their ability to hold a grudge.

It’s something I have grown to strongly relate to as a Horde PC.


It’s totally possible the rank and file didn’t even know about that whole Garrosh angle.

So from their point of view it would seem Jaina and the Silver Covenant suddenly went crazy and started murdering a bunch of people who hadn’t actually done anything wrong.


Do you understand that Sunreaver vengeance against Jaina has NOTHING to do with supporting Sylvanas? Or did you never play during MoP Throne of Thunder? Even if you’ve never read that one book where Jaina purges Sunreavers from Dalaran, or played during MoP at all, just by reading what the character quotes say you can tell it’s a revenge motive. Sylvanas isn’t even mentioned!

in fact, she is mentioned.
“This feels wrong. Sylvanas must have known we were coming.
Indeed she did, traitor. You and Lady Proudmoore.”
“I have no quarrel with you.
Have you forgotten the purge of Dalaran, murderer? Today, the Sunreavers will be avenged.
Then your vendetta is with me, and me alone!”

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Almost like she made a very public and dramatic display of arresting Baine, out in the open, in the middle of Alliance territory, for a reason. :man_facepalming:


if Aethas is anything to go off of, the Sunreavers dont seem like the smartest folk.


Sunstriders betray Dalaran.
Jaina arrests and kills those few that resist.
Sunstriders and Aethas: *Shocked Pikachu face


Aethas always comes off to me like a Nickelodeon Cartoon villian, who’s always THINKS he’s ploting some kind of Diabolical Scheme involving Puppies and Cotton Candy… And constantly failing at it.


Sunreavers. It’s ok though. Blood Elven names are weird.

Like, the wind can whisper, and the storm can rage. But nobody strides on the sun. Or reaves it.


Now is a good time to post on the ptr forums. Let’s see how many band-aids blizzard can put on this.

Sun-thing-ers. Whatever :stuck_out_tongue:


Jaina really does kill some Sunreavers, though. In the scene where she teleports to Dalaran and confronts Aethas, she murders his 5 guards. And any deaths from the Silver Covenant are also her responsibility, because she put them in charge of the purge in the first place.

Just because the teleport cooldown bug happened doesn’t mean she’s innocent.


As I said before, if anyone should bare responsiblity for what happened in Dalaran, it should be the Horde player! They were the ones who stole the bell and left clues implicating the Sunreavers.


The horde player helped take the bell, but wasn’t responsible for leaving clues to implicate anyone. You’re told that the mage that stays behind is supposed to clean up the scene so nobody knows you’re there.

But that doesn’t absolve Jaina of Dalaran in the slightest.


We kill guards all the time. They don’t matter.


Pretty sure Warcrimes end with Vol’jin forgiving Jaina for what happened. Regardless, there are PLENTY of people to blame for it all and I suggest the Sunreavers blame the Horde for their part first. Hell, before the whol Thing Jaina wanted Dalaran to be a beacon of peace for the Alliance/Horde.


The whole reason why I posted was because Aureton claimed that Blizzard was canonizing a bug about Jaina killing civilians. I was just pointing out that she really does kill some outside of that, and is responsible for others. I really don’t care what Vol’jin said in War Crimes, or whether or not the player kills guards too. I don’t see how either of your posts are relevant to that.