Sunless Pants and 379/376 BoE's LvL Req Changing

Question regarding the 379/376 BoE Green sets we can use at level 60.

I bought sets of the armor, jewelry and weapons for my War, Rogue, Lock, DH, Mnk, Hunter, Mage and Evoker. Got them all setup and equipped, played a bit on my tanks the last day and a bit perfectly fine leveling from 60 to 67ish.

Just took a few hour break and loaded into my Rogue and somehow all the gear is red [not broken] and states that there is a level 70 Requirement to use it all now [he is 60 and equipped everything earlier, then enchanted and gemmed where able]. I was just using it with no issues prior and I can even go to the AH and look up “Sunless Pants” and buy them equip-able at 60.

Was there some sort of Fix that happened? This is for quite a few alts and those sets aren’t super cheap either.

I submitted a ticket to get the ball rolling but it really sucks looking at a lot of alts you can’t use because you deleted their previous gear as they were [and still have it on but red] already wearing the new gear, enchanted and gemmed.

Before we have any forum clowns here. I just got back to the game since 2021 and bought this stuff on the AH because it’s well there to buy. If you are changing gear around why not actually do it during a patch and maybe look into all those characters people have that aren’t 70 WITH the gear on currently.

Unreal Blizzard 3.0!


I have submitted Tickets on Six of the SEVEN alts that I have which were all recently decked out in full BoE Gear across all slots. [Just the Trinkets were 6/6 BoA’s I also upgraded specifically for this purpose]

  • Now I am out a LOT of gold on items I cannot use and two boa’s I don’t need anymore
  • I am out a good few hours of legwork [Items/Gem/Enc/Setup]

From what I am seeing with “hearsay” in these forums is this is something that was a long time coming? Well then why didn’t you have a plan other than to just roll a “Live Hotfix” and tell the droves of us returning players whats up before hand?

Can’t wait to see what happens when these Six [Capped] tickets for Seven alts now naked finally gets looked at in a week. That and all the wasted time for me not being able to enjoy the game I pay a premium for.

it is confounding why this was allowed to happen in live after it was a known issue in PTR.

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Hopefully BLIZZ will restore ALL the gold spent on the AH, plus restore all the items that were sold thinking they were no longer required. I know that I spent a ton of GOLD buying equipment on the AH the past 24 hours and I have no clue how many items I sold that might have been worth keeping if I had known ilvl 376 was a bug for level 60.

Not to mention the game play for my toon is now hindered since I don’t have equipment anymore.

A lesson in patience.

I’m just had the same issue, and in the ah is still available for lvl 60 lol. I have a clip from it if it’s needed.

I spent like 150k on enchants and the gear for a twink like set up as I lvled through pvp to 70… WTF! I sold all my gear which I understand I can get it back… but as of now my character is naked and I am out 150k w…t…f Is blizzard actually by definition retarded>? how do you let it happen and then how is that the response… there is something seriously f-in wrong with those dipsticks of developers in this company… ffs man. one thing after another. They all strung out or something

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Oh-- It gets BETTER! The hotfix was not applied consistently to all gear~
Stuff with “Zaralek Surveyor’s” in the name is still active for level 60s.

Found this via Googling. Same has just happened to me, spent about 100k on Sunless leather and a staff, some other stuff, only to have it all be useless and now I do not have any armor, weapon, etc because I sold most of the other stuff… what in the world? You can still see it all equipped on my profile even.

Here is my Ticket Reponse from Draxxias! Absolutely UNREAL! How the flying F does customer service honestly do this to someone. I have never had this happen in my life across games that go way back. Everquest 1 and others.

It’s a REAL good way for Blizzard 3.0 to lose the rest of their fans and past folks who bought all their games!


I’ve looked into your report about items that were usable as level 60 now having a level 70 requirement.

These items were not intended to be usable by level 60 characters, this has since been corrected. Please see this article detailing which items:

Unfortunately, we are not able to refund gold spent on these items. While they are not currently possible to use, they will become so as you continue to level.

Any previously owned items that had been deleted or sold, the item restoration service may be used to restore them. This feature can be found here:

I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, regardless of us being unable to assist with this issue.
6 minutes ago

So you are telling me… that I bought items that YOU GUYS setup incorrectly off the AH legitimately for my alts and now I get taxed for it?

I am a past CE GM and Community Raid Leader who returned to the game and I have had nothing but issues with you folks. First I tried to Gift a copy of the Expansion [Deluxe] to my Wife and we found out that wasn’t instant anymore… then we had to re-buy it on her pc instead of me gifting it to her…

Now this? How am I supposed to be feeling? I bought THIS GEAR FOR ALTS less then 48 hours ago to play… seven alts… now they are all naked!!!

Answer me this also… WHY WOULD I BUY THESE 479 BOE’s at 70? To skip Normal and go -10 ilvls [379] straight into Heroic queue’s?

Why would I do that for the COST these things were put at on the AH? They were put up as TWINK items! Expensive…

So now I am out at least a WoW Token in Currency… thanks to YOU and YOUR companies fault.

And now I am really upset because you could easily revert my god damn toons back. You can see plain as day they all have the BoE Gear bought… every damn slot.

You sure know how to make your old customers since 2007 literally pack up their stuff and leave the game! Me and my wife on her account. I also own every blizzard game. I will not be even looking at Diablo IV due to this terrible customer service! You literally CREATED this issue for me and it wasn’t my fault! Nobody here is trying to one-up the game or cheat. These are items YOU messed up … Items that STILL were listed as level 60 on the AH when I was wearing the Hotfixed 70 stuff.

This article:

Does nothing for people who just came back to the game.

Why should I have to go through the LONG process of trying to RESTORE alts that are naked when it’s YOUR FAULT? Literally YOUR FAULT. You changed something without so many of us knowing! You could have EASILY made a work around or at least helped US that were stuck in the middle here.

You have taken about $20 Canadian from MY ACCOUNT in Currency.

Let me RE-ITERATE one last time… Why would I buy these greens at 70 when at 70 Heroic content gives me 389? As a past CE player it’s useless… this is the argument outside of the premise here. Which is YOU made a change without giving me heads up, this goes double for all the forum posts happening since yesterday where others agree.

I never ask for much. Never have. But when you make a huge mistake like this and upset people who blindly were Blizzard fans… it’s not good and I still am completely floored by this decision. You could have resolved this in twenty minutes. Roll back my stuff and give me something like a WoW Token. Instead of free digital stuff to cover… digital stuff… you say “Nope, Your Fault for not knowing!”

unreal !

After I dropped about 10K on these BOE’s, they are now useless. My rogue is naked and sitting at ilvl 78. I am seriously unhappy about this rollback, and I think it is disrespectful to the players that have purchased/farmed this gear to wear on alts, as they are now unplayable. Sure - we could item restore for 3 hours while we try to figure out what item is which, but that wasn’t in mind when this was purchased. Please fix this nightmare for us please; at least revert the existing gear to previous levels, and any new purchased/farmed gear set to 70.

Make it right - Blizzard. We depend on you.

you not liking something, does not equate to terrible customer service.

yep, bugs happen.

they don’t need to inform you about changes.

rollbacks don’t happen for stuff like this.
…and even if they did, I’m not sure why you’d think you’d be owed any sort of compensation.

you’ve already been pointed in the appropriate direction to have a rant.

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I dropped 150k on my alt. Came back the same day found outbmy character lvl 62 is now essentially naked and im out a huge chinknof money (to me anyways). It is pretty much one of the slimiest things blizzard has done. This company has fallen off. Ive been a hardcore fan since launch of vanilla… as op stated ive never asked for much either and usually bit the bullet when blizz messed up. As of late they show examples of repeat total incompetence.

Such a cracked approach about bad customer service. We spend real tangible cash for tokens and wasted real money to just have it be deemed useless and no refund. Its bad service to the customer because it can easily be done. Its incompetence and its down right lazy.

there is no customer service issue here.

for what you thought were some questing greens?
…which were going to be vendor trash in a few levels anyway?

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They are now BOP too

The gear shows up as BOP on auction house now so clearly players are exploiting to sell the gear.

This article mentions several sets of gear, and the BoE stuff…

But what I want to know is why they didn’t nerf the “Zaralek Surveyor’s” gear. it has the same ilvl stats and everything. This hotfix was applied TOTALLY inconsistently. (screenshot is from this morning)

I can see this uppity forum troll is really irked about me calling him out and has to dabble in every post. You do you B.B. I’ll continue to come to these forums when I pretty much only have issues.

Cute though how he tries to seemingly word his responses for maximum attempts with trolling trying to get some weird self gratification by telling us things that are meaningless rofl. Somethings wrong in the fools head, I’d love to see him in game and see exactly how casual he is.

To anyone else popping by. Yeah the situation sucks. I am in talks with an escalation ticket today for the third time and finally a non automated response system. So we’ll see what outcome happens. Incredibly unprofessional method of popping that hot-fix and live to boot.

Oh and people like Egrusgib spent the higher prices for the gear because it was basically priced to Twink [It’s literally similar to 1-59 with BoA’s DUE TO the Error on their end. High Cost for High Return]. I’m not sure how much more redundant you can get with your responses with folks but again. Screams casual because now that I have the knowledge about the items being incorrect… it’s uhh, obvious that is why the pricing was what it was.


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providing you with correct information, isn’t trolling.

I’m not sure what you’re expecting?
You already agreed that you understand the game can change… and you agreed that you’re not eligible for any sort of compensation based on those changes.

oh the horror. :roll_eyes:

It just means they had it listed for 48 hours when the change was applied.
When they loot it from their mailbox, they shouldn’t be able to list it again.