Sunken temple LOL

Depends on RNG, and again - this is a compounding issue. The next phase will assume you have at least ST gear to clear it. So now you’re behind by at least lockouts before you have the gear to fully clear the next raid. Which, if you struggled in ST means you’ll struggle as hard or worse in newMC. So we’re at 3-4 weeks to full clear, on a phase that lasts about 8 weeks.

Unlikely given the way the last 2 phases have shaken out. The dev team has actively cannibalized dungeons players would use to gear up with, while not always providing adequate alternatives outside of the raid. As an example, there are no non-caster shields available this phase outside of BM or ST. This despite wanting to support shield use as a build for warriors given the recent runes. Previous phase, feral Druids had to make do with Smite’s hammer until 40 in Ulda for Ironya’s staff.

While itemization has improved over vanilla, there are many blindspots or deliberate biases that make me believe that ST gear will be the expected items they balance MC against.

Then again, we get UBRS in the next phase, which could be a catch up mechanic meant to bypass all this nonsense.

Very brave of you to say that in front of the community that wants absolutely everything handed to them with no effort. Remember, this is the community that doesnt want to find groups for dungeons, doesn’t want to farm gold, doesn’t want to pvp for pvp loot, doesn’t want to raid for raid loot, doesn’t want to socialize in an mmo, doesn’t want to grind in a genre of game known for grinds.

They want to login for their 20m disneyland theme park ride, collect their bag of goodies at the end and log off.

We have to go to erinakus’s room to do our crafting recipes.

The raid will have, what, 8-10 lockouts? If the difficulty remains as is, few will complete ST. The raids need to be friendly and fun!


almost everyone not trying to flex in the easy version of the game lol

I’m curious how the SOD team managed to beat the ST raid.


I could be wrong but I don’t think they do - at least not with the gear that players are using currently.

Same thing with mythic raid bosses. I highly doubt any Blizzard team defeated Mythic Fyrakk after they coded the fight. Maybe some testing to make sure phases are not impossible for players who play perfectly, but actual beating it from start to finish? I have my doubts.

Again, I could be wrong. Not a dev.

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Sweaties are not the audience of SOD
Not an original quote

i was speaking of Vanilla.

Again, ST gear is only a minor upgrade over gnomer gear. If you’re so worried about not having good enough gear in phase 3 to beat phase 4, know that phase 2 loot is good enough to beat phase 4.

you think they dont know that?

of course they gonna leave it extremely hard, they have no other content for the rest of the phase.

your content now is to spend thousands of gold on consumes so you can get gear you’ll throw out the window next phase.

do yourself a favor, just chill this phase, save your gold, and come back next phase.

I did a run with my guild on sunday - we started around noon central time and finished (people had to leave - not completed) by killing Jammel/undead friend.

first boss - super easy (as a ranged hunter - i even knocked out 3 pillars with one smash)
the slime boss was fairly tough with that hallway back peddling and moving stuff in his way
the gauntlet was fun - except for the over eager fire mages dotting up all the stuff breaking my ice trap holds
the double dragons were rough but I never got tossed into the ring or hole and even avoided the wing buffet by diag walking forward at a key time
jammel was an interesting fight but very doable (i got his head for the quest turn in - now i have to figure out where to turn it in) haha

the loot that dropped wasnt super extra items considering its a 20 man and 7 days, it had about 5-7 pieces per boss (some of those were toy items).

I had a good time over that 6 hours of raiding and learning stuff as we went

I don’t even have phase 2 gear.

Lame 10char

Gnomer is on a 3 day lockout, and level 40.
ST is a 7 day lockout, and level 50.

Which one is easier to get?

You mean you actually have to put in some time and effort to clear the phase’s endgame? Say it isn’t so! Pugged last night and the raid is a blast, Gnomer was waaaaay to simple and this is a breath of fresh air, and I’m looking forward to the progression.

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Honestly a bit annoyed at retail and pve professinal telling people raids should be hard.

Go play retail then.

Holy damn SOD shouldnt be HARD !!


Where already changing raids in 2 months and now we need progress on this one for 7 weeks ??



Just get better at the game

The fact its a leveling raid lol.


so when is phase 4 coming? Most of us are now 50 raid logging even faster now that the raid is on a 7 day lock out (at least it resets tomorrow)