Sunken temple LOL

yep, people didnt have all the strats or 1.12 items and rebalances(buffs) when they came out. thats why era will always be a joke. the pserver bros already have it on farm before the server even launches.

And that’s fine for a raid that’ll be the big thing for say, 6-8 months. This is only relevant for about 8 weeks.

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For sure. I would even argue half the population would struggle with Rag if there was a forced sons phase and it it was freshly released content that no one had ever seen - especially if under geared, which some people are going into ST.

it’s not gonna be any better next phase.

the walls of MC will look the same, but the inside will be a completely new raid. with modern mechanics.

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Well damn. Difficult raids cause players to disclude others because of the need for optimizing.


That’s fair, but we are still talking at most 1-2 weeks for the average player to get a kill. Probably less to be honest. For people that can play 8+ hours a day or have above average skill, it’s already killed or will be killed by tomorrow night.

Overall, I think this is a eye opener for how level 60 content will be treated in regards to throughput and boss mechanics.

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If it takes 25% of the phase to get a clear, and the loot is as stingy as others have claimed then it will take 2-3 weeks to the next raid. And then even longer for the next, at which point no one is even bothering anymore.

Again, tough progression makes sense when the raid is going to be relevant for a long time. Losing 2 weeks when the raid will be basically dead after the phase ends? That’s going to make the whole cycle more painful as those guilds need to spend weeks into the next cycle playing catchup on the old raid.


Naxxramas was actually quite easy, and unless someone was intentionally trying to wipe you, most encounters could be finished with half the raid alive.

Patchwerk Sapp KT and 4 horsemen took us a little work, but we cleared all bosses win 3 lockouts with a fairly casual guild. And that was all 15 bosses.

It was also the last raid of classic.

did you do it in vanilla or classic. big diff.

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Classic. Big diff in playerbase and addons available.

I got up to Twins in vanilla, never got that down, took a break till TBC.

raids just took far to long in vanilla

Also SoD is much closer to classic playerbase than vanilla.

I completely get where you’re coming from. Yeah, it limits some players.

But let’s consider this “spirit of Classic” people are talking about. One of the harsh realities of this “spirit” is that Blizzard has always rewarded players that can play the game nonstop with great rewards in a timely manner. In this case, it’s 2-3 four days into phase 3 of SoD for these players. The “average” player still gets to complete the content but it’s 1-2 weeks later because they can only play a few hours a day, which is also part of the “spirit” - making content accessible to everyone.

I’ve never been able to achieve r14 in all my years of playing vanilla and private servers because of work, school and other priorities. It’s annoying that people playing 18 hours a day get it and have amazing gear, but again, that’s the spirit of Classic for you.


In vanilla it took nearly 3 months because no one knew what to expect and had to develop the strats and mechanics. Most guilds didn’t even touch it before it was gone and TBC was live.

Classic stood on the shoulders from the likes of Nihilum and DnT as well as modern theory crafting. It trivialized as there was nothing new to discover.

they have already stated that the SoD levelling raids are supposed to be easier simply because they are intended to be a stepping stone on the way to 60.

ST as it stands is probably way overtuned for their intentions and will likely be nerfed again on tuesday.

and also big diff in the strategies being figured out 15 years prior and constantly being practiced on pservers prior to release. imagine going into 4h blind

Big NOPE. Raids should be difficult. Especially as we get higher level.

If this was era I don’t think many people would care. This is a seasonal variant, though- content that is going to bottleneck the community and push people behind will kill the pacing, and make the later phases basically pointless as no one will be able to participate.


Again, I definitely see your point and I’m not discounting it by an means.

But you’re talking missing 2 bosses of loot for maybe 1-2 lockouts - how far behind these players are you really? 10-15 pieces of gear? And remember, they are the minority that is being rewarded for playing the game 10x more than the average player.

After the nerfs, getting 6/8 is not that difficult for any average raiding guild. I would argue any organized pug can do bosses by tomorrow night if it means that much to them. Yeah, some guilds will wipe more than others. But in what video game is everyone on an even playing field?

And of course we have no idea what p4 holds. You might be in full greens hitting level 60 and have better gear than ST raiders after two days of running level 60 instances.

All and all, you’re always going to be behind players no matter what game, what phase of content. Cool thing about classic and SoD: you still get to experience all the content, regardless.

Good thing I don’t need to raid in P3 and can just PVP gear instead. Finding a group that could actually complete it would be a trial in itself. hell the era andys struggled with the BFD raid.

I’ve only killed 5 bosses so far but ST has been very enjoyable since there is an actual challenge (but not overly so). Raid logging into BFD/gnomer loot pinatas was boring af.

Ya some are legit 2 stat points higher.