Sunk Cost Fallacy

naw. I still have fun and enjoy the game. Otherwise I wouldn’t be subbing.

Unlike most games, WoW continues to release exciting expansions (whether they remain exciting after release, is hotly debated) which brings back millions of players. With the release of Classic and other variations, the game still feels alive and well invested in.

It’s that investment that allows me to return even if I decide to take a year long break. Playing the same or new characters and encountering new players, joining new guilds, and playing in familiar yet strange new environments, keeps things both nostalgic and fresh.

EverQuest felt like that at least until after the Planes of Power expansion. With EQ2, we lost so much of the EQ playerbase that it never quite recovered. That game only boasted a max subscriber base of 400k, so a loss of half or more, led to server mergers and the game feeling less persistent.