Sunk Cost Fallacy

Ever feel like the only reason you’re still choosing to play WoW despite everything is purely because you’ve invested so much time and effort into the game or is it just me? :dracthyr_sweat:


It’s just you.



  1. I only use a couple of mounts/mogs, so my entire collection is meaningless to me.
  2. I’ve played almost every MMO, many for months, and have built up sizable collections there as well…but I still quit playing those games.

The reason I play WoW is because it has the best combat and end-game


Anyone who gets mercilessly angry at this game is living in the fallacy of cost sunken. Which is a lot of us lol.

It’s definitely a good game though. Easily one of the most (If not the most) playable MMO’s on the market.


Yes this but also I really love my character and all the memories I’ve made playing. I also do want wow to succeed after what happened during covid with shadowlands and I want to see where the world saga ends up. But I want to experience it as my character. Idk if I explained this clearly or not so forgive me

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I’ve played quite a bit of MMOs so I’m pretty sure if there’s something that would be my No 1 it would’ve taken up that slot by now

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I genuinely enjoy playing this game.


Almost every time I come to this thought experiment, I take a break. When the game beckons me back, I return. This has led me to playing almost every expansion or era for at least half of its allotted time, skipping only MoP and being present for only Legion from start to finish. I feel I have a very healthy relationship with the game, as every foray away makes me realize I play this game as much as I do because it has evolved with me, and is a comfort game above all others.

I’m not ambitious, but I have about 50 characters and enjoy cycling through them to farm appearances to refine their expression, and to express more characters.

I play WoW because I like it, and stop when I don’t.


I’ll tell you what, my motivation to play the game has changed ten-fold over the years. I don’t even really care for rewards anymore. I’m more just like having activities to achieve doing more than anything, and fiddling with the economy, but yea it may sound odd but I don’t care much for having something to show for the time I’ve spent on the game. To me it’s just been fun. Some watch TV for fun, some like hiking, or whatever, once in a while I like playing wow.

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nope, nothing even comes close to wow endgame, some don’t even try and the ones who do are really lacking

I don’t,

If you feel like that you should take a break and find something else to do for a while.

Variety is the spice of life my dude.

It’s probably not just you, I’m sure some feel the same way. It is definitely a you issue if you are still playing because of time invested and not because it’s fun.

I’m still playing WoW because I enjoy it.

I play because i want to play.
Theres nothing more to it than that.

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No not me. WoW is my favorite game.

I play the game because I enjoy it I couldn’t care less about how much I’ve paid in the past I’ve walked away from WoW for years and if I stop having fun I’ll walk away again.

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That’s a horrible reason to continue playing a video game. If you’re not having fun playing you’re doing it wrong. So if that’s how you feel, it’s time to log off and find something that’s fun for you.


I can log off and quit the game any time I want to.


That isn’t the case for me. There are still parts of the game I like and I have played for well over a decade and Azeroth is a second home

Not at all.
If I lost all my stuff/achieves/mogs and had to start fresh, I still would.
The game, at its core, is still fun. There’s still challenges I enjoy.

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The only reason? No. There are many reasons. I enjoy some things about the lore. Some of the races are interesting. Raiding in WoW has always been fun for me.

Not the only reason, but it is a huge factor in why I play.

It is difficult for me to get into other games because I feel like I have so much in WoW.

“Ok I am just starting out in this new game … but in WoW, I have Max Level Characters with gorgeous mounts and whimsical transmogs, already…. Why start some other game with nothing?”