Sunk Cost Fallacy

I was feeling nostalgia for the expansion and I buy all of them and play for a month for so anyway. But there was something about the pre-patch and all the media put out that seems to finally have killed any sunk cost I had. I refunded my preorder and may be finally totally done even keeping up with the game.

I don’t collect things and characters don’t matter between expansions (barely do between patches).
I have deleted everything and started over on 2 different occasions.
So no, I wouldn’t call it a sunk cost thing.

It is familiar though. It’s easy to fall back on a game you’ve known for potentially 20 years.

Of course, probably just as big of a factor is that there just isn’t an MMORPG that can compete. The genre is too stagnant. Almost everything that pops up is just some Eastern cash-shop centric port to NA, if not straight up a kickstarter scam or something.

FFXIV is decent if you don’t hate the story. But it’s endgame is much smaller than WoW at the end of the day, so I spend my time here instead. I gave FFXIV a decent shot. It was fun as a new thing for a few months, and anytime after that, the issues I have with its endgame setup + quantity make me not stick around.

Nothing else is even relevant in the MMO space. Not really. It’s not a thriving genre, so there’s no real chance for something “better” to come along and make me want to play a different one.

I do miss Wildstar. If it had launched in the second half of BfA or anytime after that, I might have legitimately just stayed there. But it launched during MoP. I was still actively engaged in raiding and loving it in WoW. I couldn’t commit to doing that in 2 MMOs at once, so I left Wildstar. It had its problems, and it took too long to address the concerns of casual players (though it DID, eventually). But I think it would have lived if it waited a bit longer to try and directly poach WoW’s players (which is very much what its ads aimed for).

Like 95% of players are sunk cost fallacy old-timers. Hardly anyone new is joining this game. You can see it all the time when browsing comments about videos surrounding the game.

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I continue to play because of the people I play with. It’s true though, I don’t have time to invest into another game, so it’s easier to just keep going w this one.

no Rasari, i dont ever feel like the only reason I’m still choosing to play WoW is sunk cost fallacy…

I play it because it’s fun and I enjoy the world. Fun, Rasari.


In terms of an MMORPG, yes. I’m not starting again even if a brand new 1 comes out and it’s good. This is it for me.

As for the WC IP, no, I love the universe and will regularly go back and play the RTS’s, classic and retail.

Never, but sometimes I feel like I’m addicted.

Sunken cost? No. I have quit twice already, once for over ten years. While you may feel the need to prep before leaving, once you do, it’s easy to reenter the world and pick a hobby, certification or other activity to replace wow.

you’re not missing anything. most of these new “mmorpgs” are glorified co-op games and/or grind fests from the east that devolve into pay2win (or start off that way).

and also whatever the hell category and disaster mess new world was/is.

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I figured as much. Just from the outside looking in, some of them look nice, but I don’t want to invest the time anymore.

Ahh yes. Posting the average gamer, I see. xD


Uhh no not at all, Ive spent a decent amount on WoW and put in a lot of time.
If it was all wiped I’d start over because I play the game for fun.

My time is priceless so if I don’t want to do something I won’t.

Why waste your time if you don’t even like the game?

Just you.

I play the game because I find things I DO actually enjoy it in it to play.
I ignore the crap I dont enjoy.
Time investment plays no part in it.
The second the annoyance factor outweighs the enjoyment factor, I’ll dump this game like 17 white castles I had for lunch yesterday.

I don’t play other MMOs because of this, but I don’t play WoW because I put too much into it already.

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I don’t generally do things because I’ve done it a lot, I do things because they either need to happen or I enjoy doing them.

That’s probly not good for your heart to eat that many in one sitting.

I like playing wow, but farming the mummified raptor mount is 100% a sunk cost fallacy thing. 415+ attempts so far and nothing. I didnt think i would hit over 300 for a 1% drop rate. I think statistically i shouldve gotten it by 230ish attempts. I hope i get it before tww drops since i stop my farming and atuff for a while.

Edit: nvm based on stuff i found online i habe a 99% chance for it to have dropped once i hit 459 attempts. The 230 gave me a 90% chance for it to have already dropped so im very very very unlucky

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There are zero games I see offering similar end game activities I enjoy.

Sunken cost definitly is in the background, but i only play as long as im having fun. I don’t treat this as a second career. This is why im not a raider.

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I’m still having fun playing so, no, sunk cost doesn’t play a factor.

If WoW stops being fun for me to play, then I’ll stop playing. How much money I’ve spent won’t factor in at all.

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