Summon Cleansing Totem action bar bug

the mentioned action bar is ‘stuck’ on my ui, cant seem to do anything like reload, relog, exit to remove it. Please help!


I’m also having this issue, 0 idea on how to fix

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Same problem here :confused:

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for anyone having issues with this the only way ive found to get rid of it is to go and do the WQ associated with it which is near brackenhide in azure span


Same here.

Same issue here, Bricked a Mythic + Key in Algathars Academy due to the fact that after I picked up a Talon Toss ball, all I could do was summon this cleansing totem. Ruined the run for the team…RIP…Please fix!


I have the same issue. I also deleted cache, interface and wtf folder. empty mi invetory, and nothing. and I did the WQ a few hours ago but the totem is till there and I ruined algethar academy too.

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I went to do the world quest and it fixed it, as Astorath mentioned. GL

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this also fd me in AA

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This also fd my key up. Plz fix bug ty

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Also having this bug. It’s permanently stuck on my screen and usable anywhere.

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same here. can’t get rid of it. maddening.

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Same, glad it’s not just me. been happening for 2 days now.


having same issue -

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The solution is already mentioned twice in this thread.

To fix it: Go do the associated WQ (near Brackenhide in Azure Span).


Also have this issue

Solution to your problem “go do a world quest”
No. The solution is to fix the bug–what if the world quest goes away?


Feel free to sit there with that button on your screen like a petulant child until they get around to it fixing it then. People tried to help you.


Going to the WQ area will get rid of it. I didn’t have the quest anymore but moving to the quest area removed it.

I used my camera and I’m stuck in the camera mode and can’t get out… can’t fly… can’t “go to the WQ”… DON’T USE YOUR CAMERA.