
what about sulfuras AH?

Currently 8000+ people in que to get into grobb if even half of that number moved to a new server that server would no longer be dead.


Lots of ally are coming from Ben and Grob I guess.


Iā€™m curious to see if all the transfers coming in literally revives a dead server.

Maybe they can revive more dead servers?

Iā€™ve got a horde toon thatā€™s been on Sulfuras for awhile. Prior to prepatch, the horde side was ā€œokishā€. Not great, but I wouldnā€™t agree with people saying it was dead. Since the transfers opened, horde side actually seems pretty busy. Itā€™s not mega server busy, but chat is way, way livelier and thereā€™s a lot more people in Org than Iā€™ve seen since like vanilla.

Previously, I basically never saw Alliance toons out in the world and now Iā€™m running into more and more. If the Alliance side fills out a bit more, the server could actually be pretty solid. So Iā€™m cautiously optimistic there.


Thatā€™s it im going to sulfuars whoā€™s me ā€¦ ā€œkriket soundsā€ hmm

If they really want to make progress, I think they should put incentives on playing on a ā€œnon-megaā€ server. Throw in even more bonus exp, bonus honor, whatever. Every little bit helps in spreading things out.


They should resurrect Deviate Delight and allow free xfers to it, it was the only other rp pvp server and that is probably a big reason a lot of people arenā€™t transferring off grobb.


What we could do is have Blizzard create a new RP-PvP server, get transfers going to it and relabel Grob as normal pvp. It basically is normal pvp at this point anyway.

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Iā€™d rather it stay small, but I would like it to be 50/50 faction balance.

In an somewhat ironic turn of eventsā€¦Sulfuras is listed as full on the server list at the moment lol.

lots of alliance at ROB atm. they actually took control of it. I wasnt even sure alliance actually existed here. crazy stuff.

ya plz stay on ben last thing we need are people who cry about ques

the que to log in?

Itā€™s also a mix of people resubbing to their forced xferā€™d realm Sulfuras.

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I didnā€™t believe it, but Sulfuras is alive on both sides.

I rolled a human and it is parked in Stormwind. There are a lot of people here and it is 2am ST. The auction house has lots of stuff. Prices are decent. If I were Ally and I wanted the Grobb experience without a two hour q this is where I would go.

But donā€™t take my word for it. Roll a toon and take the 125 second walk to SW and see for yourself. Check out good old channel four too. LFG is not a dysfunctional mess.

Getting that good olā€™ pvp server feel again after almost 2 years. Feel free to xfer here, I donā€™t gank you until youā€™re 70 and can defend yourself or if you attack me.

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I 100% believe this is a post to incentivize people to come to Sulf so OP and his guild can sell them gold and other RMT

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Horde side has plenty of people to sell gold toā€¦ and there are plenty of people selling.

The surprise here is Ally. They were extinct and now they exist. Itā€™s like Jurassic Park except with Dwarves.


Thatā€™s why my 10 Deviate Delight Alliance chars are on Sulfuras. Last time I played they were not allowing pvp xfers to servers I had horde on already so that ruled out Grobb as a destination and there are no other balanced pvp servers so I just let the chips fall where they may.