Sulfuras growth hype is real

You do know why it started to die right?

why? what started to die? could you explian

Sweet, hopefully bene queues will be down soon…I am not moving lol

k, i still have ally on bene. see you around after sul dies out. :smiley:

move tonight!!! You will not regret it!

Alliance left. Shorty followed by Horde players leaving.

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Intresting, soon sulf will see a q no?

best of luck to you! enjoy your que times

I haven’t sat in a queue yet…I work from home and just log in early.

Well… there we have it. The guy that can do what most can’t. lol - why comment if you’re skull is denser than rock?





make a character and find out!!

I mean anyone who’s casual, or isn’t in a guild they really care about should take the transfer.

Fusion is considering it because the queues put a wrench in their launch plans

There’s good guilds here too, the vast majority of wow players just want to play the game. and you can do that here

This doesn’t mean anything

Means you’re not there to see the pop explosion. you’re a blind spectator. Thanks for the comment

It means plenty. You can compare the number of auctions and get an idea of the faction population. If the Horde has double the auctions, it means they’re roughly twice the population.

Thank you for your input, Ugrunk the very informative forum poster.

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People are moving here by the hundreds. Thanks for trying to slam this as something “not a big deal” go log in to the server so you can argue about AH posts there

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I moved to Sulfaras. Why anyone would want to play on a server like Bene with high 90s percent of the server Alliance is beyond me.

No one tells the other factions to leave servers…Just ask Kromcrush…wait nvm it died after the alliance left its 70-30 server. Same issue Sulf was dying till recently.