Sulfuras growth hype is real

can’t Im still waiting on que for Skyfury

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I’m happy for you Sulfurans. I will be sorry for you if the server population drops mid-wotlk.

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What are you using to see the pop? Ive been following the population trend from wowclassicpop and it doesnt show those %.


You should refer to the Blue post here.

Yeah i saw however i would like to know the levelr range they took into account to say its 50/50 since there have been many low level charecters created there to scout the servers

i was there lastnight…Stormwind was empty at 8 pm st…

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Well I think the key thing is they mentioned is that they are going to monitor the situation and if it needs more alliance they’ll let alliance keep transferring in.

Can’t control the lvl 1s or not, but they can actually see the data on who all are playing, and how that compares, and then they’ll make the decision.

No one because the megaservers are now locked for good. :heart:

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I hope thats the case since it would be one of the few times they try to balance the servers to keep them healthy which is a really good sign that they are finally trying.

You win, Blizzard has never gone back on any of their decisions.

“You think you want classic but you don’t”
-J Allen Brack (Circa Blizzcon 2016) Colorized

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Where is that info at?


The whole harrasment issue of employees showed they hide things and deny things that are true.

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once again they answer that area. But yea its a bit too late being they already allowed it to swell once they deleted servers.

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I was just sharing for the blue post regarding the indefinite locking of the mega-servers since I saw the post asking for where that info was.

If you transfer whisper me “Hippyforms” for guild invite to Benediction Refugees, currently 70 people online if you like a big active guild.

Last night to transfer, realm is getting locked tomorrow to keep the balance perfect.

It’s great that they are going to close transfers to this server and lie to you that the populations are even. have fun alliance!


Lol you can see its even with addons and your own eyes, blizz has nothing to do with it

You think it’s even but it’s not. Wait for Wrath launch. Hope that I’m wrong!

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How is the balance there alliance/horde? Can’t find accurate numbers.