Sulfuras and thunderfury

Wait… pallys are allowed to raid tank in classic?

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We had 3 warrior tanks with TF. It was glorious.

We weren’t dumb or meme-y enough to give one to a paladin or a hunter. Didn’t gave out any hunter Ashkandis either. Because we weren’t a stupid guild.

This is why loot council is important for a guild concerned about progression.


When you do, please record the entire raid because I will be interested in seeing just how you managed.

Rogue here (or will be Rogue here). I have come to terms that I will not get Thunderfury over Tanks.


Report and move on

What’s that supposed to mean? I do whatever the hell I want in all the games I play.

Paladins can’t tank long fights or fights designed a certain way, but they certainly can tank. Given that warriors have to barely invest in the prot tree to MT anything, speaks to what class is BEST, but not which is capable.

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yeah sure, try to get TF when one of the Raid’s tanks need it.
Paladins are disposable. Tanks are not.

Too bad U’ll be oom in the midlle of the fight and will lose all threat.

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this dude makes all the worst troll topics.

As you should, more power to you sir

So do the 39 other people that raid with you. And considering they are the majority, they won’t let you ninja the weapons which are more useful to other classes for the good of the whole guild :wink:

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Not sure what that’s supposed to mean.

Getting a team upgraded in raid gear isn’t a casual process. Losing any player from the team hurts a raid. So not sure why people would be “disposing”. A raid will already have a checklist of who gets the oranges far in advance of ever seeing one drop.

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It’s ok if you don’t know how loot works in raids.

What it means is simple:
If you throw a temper tantrum on losing TF to the Warrior main tank of your guild, they will definitely rather get rid of you than him.
As it should be.
You know what? Back in WotLK, they offered my DK tank Shadowmourne because well, I was main tank and I could definitely use it. I refused because DPS in the guild could make better use of it.
That’s what people who aren’t addicted to orange but rather use their brain and the good of the whole guild as priority should do.


Why don’t we talk about what we are talking about, instead of watching you invent some sort of hypothetical nonsensical situation that is only happening inside your head?

The way loot works in raids is according to the system that the majority of raiders have agreed to, or else they wouldn’t be raiding together.

Like I said earlier, the only way a pally gets a TF in classic is he is a big streamer or if he is a raiding guild leader ready to break up his guild to get TF.

TF is not like Ragnaros, which has minimal raid value and goes to whomever is willing to work hardest to get it.

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Well, it’s you who claimed to play games the way you want, despite needing 39 other people to raid.
I just reminded you it’s not the way it works in reality.

How is this troll topic? Plenty of paladin actually get hand of rag. Seeing as it doesn’t have any real raid value they can spend their dkp or council for it and often receive it.

Now tf that maaaay be a stretch, but I imagine it would be hell of a tank weapon for Paly on aoe pulls.

Ehh? I always thought the proc made thunderfury BiS for rogue offhand. What’s a better off hand in Naxx for a rogue?

Hungering cold still does more, even with procs.