Suggestion: Priest Glyphs

As with other similar threads which I made in the Paladin, Monk, and Warlock forums (and will soon be posting in the Shaman Forums as well), these are suggestions I am making because of an issue I see in the game. The first and big issue is this. Since BFA launched only 2 classes (Mage and Druid) have gotten new glyphs.

The second reason for the thread is because these glyphs actually improve the game for players in fun ways. Some are admittedly Troll or Kul’Tiran themed, which I think fits given the expansion; but all were created with ease of implementation in mind.

Shadow Word: Deflection: Your Power Word Shield is replaced with a shadowy variant. (See Crucible of Storms effects).

The Void’s Clarity: Your Voidform no longer sprouts tentacles and instead showcases Shadow Orbs.

Hidden Shadows: Your Shadowform visual has been disabled completely.

Glyph of Ancient Shadow: Your Shadowform uses the original Classic Visual.


I’d really like a glyph (or series thereof) to change either of the healing specs’ visuals entirely to shadow stuff.

It’s really weird playing this big spooky Shadowmoon dark caster meme and then having glowing angel wings.

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then play DISC. I only heal in DISC because doing it in holy would kill my fantasy. I don’t think Holy should have a Void/Shadow color. It Should be Holy themed and maybe a Silver and Fire variations.

@Lacryma, I love all those Glyph ideas. They should be implemented.