No Flying Mode: Enlist in No Flying Mode, increasing quest rewards and experience by X%. Stackable with Warmode bonus.
Flying and the majority of quality of life improvements added to the game over time ruin World of Warcraft for alot of players.
It’s the reason Classic has been so successful.
The argument against No Flying Mode would be that it would lead to even more sharding between players playing different modes. But if a No Flying Mode is something that players would not enjoy and do not want, then those with that argument have nothing to fear, because the No Flying Mode shards would be depopulated.
Another solution could be to make No Flying mode only available when in Warmode or to bake it into Warmode, since flying negatively affects Warmode anyways. Flying with Warmode is simply PVE mode with the Warmode bonus, since it allows players with no interest in PVP to travel and quest the world with little to no risk.
I personally would not like to be able to clip through walls, but let’s suppose we can unlock an achievement and clip through walls.
If I participate I no longer enjoy the game because physical barriers become irrelevant and the game feels dumbed down.
If I abstain from wall-clipping then I fall behind the curve, I cannot keep up with groups that are wall-clipping, I cannot compete, the game becomes a wasted effort.
Flying in World of Warcraft is glorified clipping.
I am not asking that you be grounded.
I am asking that players such as myself are given the realistic option to opt out and be compensated for the lost of efficiency, only insofar as necessary to bring me to a level playing ground with the flying population.
If it’s such a bad idea, then nobody will participate, and you will not be affected.
If it turns out to be popular, then guess what? You will not be affected either.