Suggestion: No Flying Mode

No Flying Mode: Enlist in No Flying Mode, increasing quest rewards and experience by X%. Stackable with Warmode bonus.

Flying and the majority of quality of life improvements added to the game over time ruin World of Warcraft for alot of players.

It’s the reason Classic has been so successful.

The argument against No Flying Mode would be that it would lead to even more sharding between players playing different modes. But if a No Flying Mode is something that players would not enjoy and do not want, then those with that argument have nothing to fear, because the No Flying Mode shards would be depopulated.

Another solution could be to make No Flying mode only available when in Warmode or to bake it into Warmode, since flying negatively affects Warmode anyways. Flying with Warmode is simply PVE mode with the Warmode bonus, since it allows players with no interest in PVP to travel and quest the world with little to no risk.


I personally would not like to be able to clip through walls, but let’s suppose we can unlock an achievement and clip through walls.

If I participate I no longer enjoy the game because physical barriers become irrelevant and the game feels dumbed down.

If I abstain from wall-clipping then I fall behind the curve, I cannot keep up with groups that are wall-clipping, I cannot compete, the game becomes a wasted effort.

Flying in World of Warcraft is glorified clipping.

I am not asking that you be grounded.

I am asking that players such as myself are given the realistic option to opt out and be compensated for the lost of efficiency, only insofar as necessary to bring me to a level playing ground with the flying population.

If it’s such a bad idea, then nobody will participate, and you will not be affected.

If it turns out to be popular, then guess what? You will not be affected either.


There’s already a “no flying” mode. It’s you choosing not to fly.

I’m 90% certain I’m feeding a troll here, but in the annals of bad ideas, this one is right up there with wanting to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.


Somehow missed this:

I am now 100% certain this is bait, and I swallowed it.


Remove pathfinder.

Add flying and no flying realms.

Would work well with no crossrealm stuff.


Warmode was intended to have no flying in it. Look where we are now lmao

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I would like to see hard data on this please.

Thank you.



Hey man, if you don’t like flying, then don’t fly.

Flying is actually optional as it is your choice whether to fly or not.


No it’s not. Maybe it’s why you like Classic. But it isn’t why others enjoy Classic.

Don’t twist things to fit your narrative.

Is a ridiculous idea. This game needs to move forward, embrace flying, and add more content with flying in mind.


You actually can’t have no flying realms as there are areas inaccessible without flying. And adding special flight paths, etc. just for those areas would be rather time consuming (and personally I would rather they fix bugs with that time).


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You underestimate our power. We have gnomes now, and gnomes will craft jetpacks for us.

Then you might as well just fly.

I don’t this being successful since flying greatly reduces the amount of time required to do anything.

No, no it didn’t. I would not play WoW if I couldn’t fly. Back in the day was back in the day, times have changed.


Warmode was introduced with the prepatch when we couldnt go to Zandalar or Kul Tiras, so it had flying in the very first iteration of it.


That’s a self-imposed handicap, not a “no flying mode”.

It’s one of the reasons it’s a lot more fun for those players, who prefer a slower-paced and more challenging game.

That’s probably a better idea.

It’d be very easy to post a survey here asking if people would prefer modern wow with or without LFG/LFG and flying. There’s no need because he’s correct, there’s a lot of players who don’t like those quality of life changes.

A bunch of people probably don’t want to play it since they added flying. I’d be unsubbed and playing a different game while waiting for 8.3 or 9.0 right now, if not for classic.

WM was blast with no flying, but now all areas are accessible and I’d have to grind my butt off (a chore) just to access flying (a non-reward that I don’t want but will be handicapped without). I mean, who’d want to run around getting swooped by groups of the opposite faction?

Addition of Net-o-matic implies that it was always their intention to have flying in war-mode. Unless they have aerial combat or something, I just think it’s a terrible decision to combine the two.

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[quote=“Tiril-nesingwary, post:15, topic:331261, full:true”]

I see this argument a lot. I’ll be honest, it’s a bit frustrating that the only reason people seem to be against flying is because of open world pvp. If people really don’t enjoy it because of flying, Blizzard should change it to if you’re flagged then you can’t fly.

Though, I bet you would have some pvpers who enjoy open world pvp content with flying. Imo, it would keep you on your toes more and just give you another challenge to watch out for when flagged.

Edit: I will add that the grind to unlock flying is ridiculous.


yeah…like OTHER free countries dont have walls :roll_eyes:
ugh. just cant leave the politics out of it, can you


He’s correct… says who? Again, I would like to see actual data not just assumptions based on personal preference.

As for your idea of a survey - those are so easily manipulated it’s not even funny.



yeah. And that ‘success’ is why we listened to the LFR haters in here railing on about how they were going to classic and never coming back.
And here they are again, thread after thread after thread of LFR removal hate after classic has been out for some while now.
Guess classic was actually as crappy as most of us thought it was going to be, otherwise they’d still be playing it and not caring if retail had LFR or not.


first blizzard devs foist forced participation on their customers. then, as with WM, they bribe their customers to do content. how about just making content that is fun, and people WANT to do. what a concept!