Suggestion: Isolate Multiboxers

Are… are you ok? Dropped as a baby or something? Need an MRI?

Multiboxers, if banned, would not create new accounts, because there is no point to those accounts if the practice is banned.
Botters, when banned, make new accounts, because the purpose of those accounts is to make money for their parent companies. The cost of losing that account to Blizzard is nil, because the account is replaced.

Banning botters and banning multiboxers do not have the same financial impact on Blizzard.

yeah, quite uncalled for…

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
dude…AnYONE who gets banned is just as likely as AnYONE ELSE who gets banned to make a new account.
You a prophet now too LMAO?

Which would represent a loss of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of their total income. They don’t love money nearly as much as you think they do.

Im going to dig up the blue post that blows this tripe about not banning over $$$ out of the water. I think I saved the bookmark.

Ok, let’s try again.

If a multiboxer with 5 accounts gets banned, they don’t remake 5 accounts. There is no point to them having 5 accounts if they are not allowed to multibox. They might remake 1 account, but the best case for Blizzard is that they lose 4 net accounts.

If a botting account is banned, Blizzard temporarily loses 1 account. Then, the company who owns the bot says “hey, we want to keep farming crap to sell for real world money, but we need a new account”, so they go out and buy a new account. Blizzard bans one account, then the account owner buys a new account, for a net loss of zero accounts.

Banning multiboxing has more net cost to Blizzard than banning botters does.

No…you should stop before we get to that point where youre calling names and get a vacation. youre already obviously heading in that direction, lol.

Im sorry…did you not get the memo? YOu AINT a prophet. You have NO CLUE who is going to make new accounts. LOL

so…you done here?

A very, very, very, very, tiny net cost. So tiny that nobody would blink an eye if they changed their minds and started banning multiboxers.

So many assumptions. You’ve been nothing but rude this entire time, and you keep trying to paint me with a very specific brush. I’m starting to think you have some displaced anger that you’re trying to take out on me.

No, but I’ll explain again in smaller words. It doesn’t effect me. I don’t farm crap. Check my armory, I don’t even have herbalism. Check all my toons, most of them don’t even have professions. I’ll save you a click, Kaercha, Kearcha, Karcha, Kercha, Kearsha, Kearcia, Kaersha, Kiercha, and Chlark. Not a maxed gathering profession between the lot of them.

Get off your crusade.

I’m bored at work. I’ve got a meeting coming up that’s too close for me to start something new, so I’m killing time. Browsing the forums, I see several threads about multiboxers. I browse the forums often, so I notice a pattern. I identify a problem, one that I agree with.

In true American tradition, I offer up a solution to that problem. It got some positive feedback on a different thread, so I thought I’d frame it as a proper solution for the devs to catch easier.

There. That’s my motivation. Now go suck an egg and take your superiority complex with you. If you want to measure resumes, post your LinkedIn with a “hi Kaercha” message. I’ll do the same. Either stop attacking me or whip it out.

I think THEY think there are way more boxers than there are, lol.
They see one or two guys boxing and the sky is falling.

All this because someone undercut them on the AH or ‘stolez’ their node. LMBO

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Ok sir, can you please demonstrate on this doll, where the big bad multi-boxer assaulted you?

We have 3 to 5 classes that are in a terrible spot, a dev team with questionable vision for the future of the game, and a company that panders politically to the flavor of the month cause, but some how a person playing two wows at once is the hill you want to make your last stand??

Oook buddy… :crazy_face:

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No? Why would I be done? I don’t know if you think I’m trying to convince you, I’m not. I’m only interested in the people who come in reading the thread, who are capable of applying logic to it and making rational logical conclusions.

You’re trying to argue that it’s not reasonable for me to assume that someone who was no longer able to multibox would continue to sustain multiple accounts because… reasons? That’s fine, you do you. But other people reading the thread sure need to understand why that is an absurd position for you to take.

Right; which is why the position held by the company is more likely to be that of holding the status quo, which requires no development or active time investment from any employee. If it were the case that money was left off the table, and that they thought they could make money by implementing such a change; they would.

Multiboxers pay Blizzard money, it would cost Blizzard more money than it would save them to ban the practice, and the benefit/cost analysis makes that not worth it.

uh huh…WHO is the one who attacked grammar instead of the TOPIC again?
oh yeah…that would have been you :wink:

Clearly it DOES guy…or are you admitting you made a troll topic just to cause chaos on this forum ?
If it doesnt affect you, you have no reason to have posted here about it.

Ditto…take your own advice…

So…you made a thread trolling us all on a topic you KNEW was divisive…NOT because YOU are affected…but just because you wanted to.
Huh…yeah…I think that is the definition of trolling.

Did they really just banned 70 thousand accounts? I haven’t heard of it.

Thats what I read…it popped up on one of my news feeds.
I didnt really care enough to check out all the details…but apparently from posts in here it did happen.

For someone who’s not on a crusade you sure do seem to hate multiboxers a lot.

I see a problem. I sympathize with said problem. I offered a solution.

I can’t make it any smaller than that.

uh huh…and you couldnt possibly have just posted this in the CURRENT box hate thread :wink:
We’ll see how this one goes.

almost like someone came in LOOKING to stir up trouble. lol

Do you call professional mediators trolls? Because they do something similar - offer solutions to problems they aren’t personally invested in.

Guy, I’m just trying to help.