Suggestion: Isolate Multiboxers

Instead of trying to get the TOS amended to make Multi boxing bannable, what if we just scoot them over to their own shard, so that they aren’t impacting everyone else.

The detection for that should be fairly simple. Course sift would be multiple accounts from the same IP address, then same zone, then check for key input similarities. You could probably check every active person every few minutes with this without impacting performance too much.


Better idea: Remove sharding and CRZ completely.



I agree, although I feel like this will require server mergers. Would end up with some pretty dead realms without it.

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I could do without CRZ, but I can’t go back to BC HFP. Sharding is too good for spreading out loads.

Admit it, this is the real reason you can’t go back to BC HFP


Towards the end of the expansion, I used to spend time in HFP soloing these for revenge. That sound still triggers me.


If there was a few servers dedicated to multi-boxers I would be like, “Acti / Blizz shut up and take my money!”

there are so few mbers, it’s not worth it.

if people hate them so much, it makes zero sense that they’d want them in their own shard where they can farm without competition… thus destroying the economy even further.

no…what we need to do is ban this troll topic and anyone who makes a thread about it


They aint impacting you anymore than the same number of single character players would.
you just need a scapegoat.

This all comes down to two things with those like the OP.

  • I demand more gold for what I farm
  • I shouldnt have to compete for resources

Theyre gougers. If anyone should be isolated and shoved onto dead servers, its these sorts.

If they had no impact, these threads wouldn’t exist. It’s nearly impossible to farm zin in Azshara because of it.

It’s cheating. Its literally paying for an advantage. The fact that it’s not against the ToS is mind boggling.

At the very least, they should be isolated in the same way twinks aren’t able to queue into regular BGs. Remember when blizzard cared about the experience of players? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


load of rubbish.

i went there the other night, and got more than any reasonable person needs.


Any person auto-following for longer then 10 minutes becomes attackable by all players and will drop loot from their bags. That may stop it.

Let us band together and hunt the multiboxers.


sure they would. YOU NEED a scapegoat and you’ll use anything you can find. if it werent boxers, you’d be in here screaming about sharding or whatever…or something else.
If you dont like the game…go play something else.

And you swapping alts every other day to make this asinine statement again doesnt make it so.

Like a wow token? dont see you in here making threads every day about the token, dude…so like I said…youre scapegoating.

Only for those who think they are OWED more fake money for the fake crap they farm LMAO.

You mean that time Boxing was never allowed?
Oh wait… :roll_eyes:

Like i said…you all need to blame someone for YOUR shortcomings in the game and need a boogie man to blame

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Missed this joke in my last response.
What a joke.
I farm the stuff every few days, dude. I have literally been able to get what I think is every single node in the zone. and Im not on a dead server. I see boxers every single day anymore.
this is a you problem.

I don’t have a problem with multiboxers, and I see a lot of them in Nazjatar farming herbs (usually a pack of druids in flight form autofollowing a leader). The ones in Nazjatar typically seem to speak Spanish. One of them actually messaged me and said he wanted to invite me to his group so we weren’t competing for the same nodes. He said he was from Peru and that it was his “job”. I’m wondering if these guys are the new farmers and this is how they get their gold to sell for real money on sites.

Why not just isolate everybody?

This would be hilariously unworkable and would gather a large number of non-multiboxers.

honestly, while it sounded like he was being polite, Id have reported that one.
Im for following the rules. If he is involved with violating the rules, he should be banned.

Yeah, they were all from different servers (the druids), like Zul’jin, Sargeras, Illidan, etc., and they were merged on my CRZ.