uh huh…
I do the bad grammar thing on purpose.
Started doing it about 20 years ago when most of you were in grammar school because its humiliating to someone who thinks theyre overly intelligent or educated to have their asinine assertions taken down by some guy who sounds like he dropped out in 8th grade and is sitting on his tailgate with a 12 pack
Stick to the topic before feelings are hurt.
OBVIOUSLY YOU DO, guy…you care so much you took the time to make a thread about them and even more time to CONTINUE POSTING about them LMBO.
ohhhhh…you mean you get ‘unfair game advantage’ in the game over those who cant afford to buy those token…good to know.
riiiiiiiiight…dude you blew your cover up there when you said…
Which translates to zin nodes being “muh nodes, muh mats”
again…you dont like sharing resources…skyrim awaits.
It costs them nearly nothing. Most cheaters cheat to farm and sell money, and the cost of replacing accounts is factored into their business models. Multiboxers multibox for “fun”, and if the practice of multiboxing were banned those accounts would not be recreated.
Naw, it costs them quite a bit, from the manpower to investigate and all the chargebacks being made. These guys sell gold, they don’t use it to fund their accounts, they use stolen credit cards.
I said they don’t ban multiboxers because it would cost them money, you said that doesn’t make sense because they ban cheaters, I said they ban cheaters because cheaters make new accounts, thus not costing them money, you said… and?
A blue has refuted this garbage…I can dig up a post if you need…but youre right…and IF boxing IS making them money…you think theyre going to give it up for 8 of you tossing a fit on this forum, lol?
They just banned and suspended 70 THOUSAND accounts for botting dude…clearly you have no comprehension about the $$$ issue as you seem to think you do.
Wait… Blizzard said they don’t do something on the basis of money?
Well yikes, lets just all go home then! Blizzard said it! Move on folks, show’s over! No chance they would say something because it suits the narritve better!
And read my last post because it trashes this joke.
Sorry but that tells us everything we need to know about this nonsense of yours
not even a good deflection.
They did it…so your joke about money is just that…
Theyd never have given up that much money by targeting that many accounts if the ONLY thing that mattered here was $$$.
wow…you just dont like to stick to the points YOU make, do you? LMBO.
YOU said they dont ban BOXERS over the $$$.
You still with me?
But they DID ban and suspend all those botters.
So your joke of a point is pointless.
They didn’t give up the accounts. Botters are primarily accounts created to sell gold for real world money. When they get banned, the company that owns them creates a new account, and continues to pay for it. Banning botters doesn’t cost Blizzard money in the vast majority of cases.
They gave them up in the EXACT same way they’d have to give up BOXERs if they dealt with them dude.
Jesus crisco…get a grip and hold your thoughts together, man. The ship is breaking up. LOL