[Suggestion] Heirlooms for Gold

Due to the changes (RDF removal) and the buggy nature of WG (Alliance STILL doesn’t have the quest NPCs at either the fort or the camp). Along side the very nature of Classic’s community, which is to not waste time running anything that isn’t going to turbo them to BiS; basically if it’s not the daily, people aren’t running [insert heroics that aren’t the daily]. And even when [insert heroics] are the daily, the peak time to run them is with in an hour of the Daily Reset. After that, it peters out to maybe getting a group in an hour.

It’s not exactly easy to get Heirlooms, which defeats the purpose of them: Making alt leveling easy.

You also have a huge gold problem due to literally everyone and their grandma (because Grandma was probably a 30-something when it came out the first time) knows exactly what to farm and what to BiS. This means, even my lazy 'n poor butt has almost 20k gold (for reference I didn’t get flying until around Sun Isle and Cold Weather until around ICC back in the day).

Make heirlooms purchasable by gold.


RDF doesnt exist at this stage of classic. it came out with Halls of Reflection.

no, we don’t need even more bots buying up heirloom gear with gold to bot faster lvls.

If your to lazy to do current content, and participate in the game, go play retail where you buy everything with gold…

you can get 50+ badges a day and heroics are so easy they usually take 10 -15 mins per heroic…

It’s insanely easy to get Heirlooms what are you talking about? You just don’t want to play the game, it’s classic work for your stuff.


Blizzard’s lead (?) Class dev said RDF was never coming to Wrath Classic. Ergo, RDF has been removed.

You seem to be under the impression the coin would be small. I was thinking around 100g for off-set pieces, 500g for what would be ‘set pieces’ (shoulder, helm, chest, pants, gloves) and 1hand weapons/off hands, and 1k for 2hand/ranged.

lol…‘current content’. There’s currently 25 players looking to do Heroics. All but 8 are DPS ‘only’ role selected. Only 8 unique dungeons have someone looking for a group.

It’s not about how easy heroics are, it’s about how little interest there is in doing them unless it’s a Daily for either the Heroic or Normal version of that Heroic (ie HCoS is hoppin because Infinite Agents is the Normal daily).

No, your not going to be able to RMT swipe your credit card for gold to buy heirlooms 100% that’s what you want to do, never going to happen, cry more, go play retail.

Imagine playing classic and crying about earning gear and wanting to buy it with gold, kick rocks.

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That’s pretty small.

Are you raiding? Could you downrank your Valor for Heroism?
That’s another option.

Issues with WG seem to be on certain servers only. Maybe keep bumping the issue in the Classic Bug Report forum so it can get corrected and you can spend your Shards.

Playing the game is the way to get heirlooms. Scrooge McDucking it shouldn’t be imo.

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I just learned this the other day! Its great there is a vendor down in the depths of dalaran that switches out your valor pieces. I had 1,200 valor pieces and now i have 3 full sets of heirlooms!

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Its outright false to say its not possible to form a group within an hour of reset, its actually more difficult on westfall to find players directly after reset.

Players start and play around 4pm-12pm, there hasnt been any changes to real life to change that statistic you just suck at putting any effort into making groups or sticking with one.

Ah, a clever RDF complaint thread …

But, no. You can buy many heirlooms in retail for gold. Maybe that fits your play style better.

As the other person said, they’re not hard to obtain.

Not everything should just be handed to you through easy mode rdf.

(Incoming triggered “boomer” response.)

It’s fine; Napoleon thought invading Russia in the middle of winter was a good idea too.

No he didnt.

(PS: It will be implemented in Wotlk. It’s a matter of when, not if.)

Iirc it was a more open ended we have no plans for it right now.

That isn’t a no.

Team ion had no plans for ripcords in sl. Guess what was added later.

Dude badges are easy you dont need to tell lies in your sad little essay so you can justify buying gold to get heirlooms

  • level 56 retail character

lol, you assume I’d swipe. Now who’s being lazy.

“Link achieve or GS for fast invite”. Need I say more.

Right now, the options are Heroics. Which is difficult to get. Like, right now, the daily for Normal and Heroic is CoS. There’s no tanks. And I’m not geared enough to tank it; Argent Defender procced enough the last time I tried HCoS to know I’m not geared enough. I’m not going to ruin 4 other players’ time.

Obviously this will vary between servers. On Pagle it’s a mad dash from the few times I’ve been able to play during the ‘reset window’. Getting a group took maybe 5 minutes. But I mostly play during the evening. Which is when Pagle’s raid scene lights up. After which, people log for bed.

Not my fault Blizzard didn’t adjust the other aspects that were built around RDF being present.

" “Ha, if we ever get to Wrath of the Lich King, we probably won’t want to do Group Finder even then.”"

Pull in 200g a day just crafting (insert “it ain’t much but it’s honest work” meme). Why would I need to buy gold?

I actually have nothing to spend what gold I make on. Mammoth? Don’t need. Epic Flying? Already got in the character I main; don’t need it on alts. Cold Weather? Got it. Profession? Maxed them, or got them to the point they need to be (ie First Aid is at 401, enough to craft heavy frostweave bandages), Maxed out Hodir rep already via the Rune turn-ins.

I could throw gold at buying BoE epics. But, ‘meh’. I’d rather get to leveling alts. And, no, I don’t need heirlooms for that. But still doesn’t give me an avenue to dump gold, in a meaningful way; I’d just be spending to spend.

Rofl… Nice selective editing. Why not include the whole quote?

“Back in 2019, even, we were saying, “Ha, if we ever get to Wrath of the Lich King, we probably won’t want to do Group Finder even then.” But then as it got closer, there were people who were, “Well, actually, we kinda like it.” And so we had to reevaluate. Is it really something that was important to us? And, we really felt like it was.”

So tell me how from that you got

I’ll wait

Always arguing in bad faith… These forums are a cesspool (I know this isn’t new information)

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