think of it this way. when you’re at 100% health, your hp is at its base. when youre at run speed youre at 100%. when you mount up, you get an extra 100%. when you use a buff that increases your hp, youre at 140% hp or whatever it increases it by.
Debating you honestly feels like I’m debating a flat earther. This is scraping the bottom of the IQ barrel. I don’t even feel fulfilled, feels like I just debated a pre-schooler in math.
if you get a buff to your hp, you have 10% or 20% more health or however much. your health bar says 100%, but it still increased. just because you dont have an addon that tells you it increased, it doesnt mean that it didn’t increase by 10 or 20% lol.
great. so you’re at 120% of your base health. is that really so hard?
that means your health bar is at 100% lol. like how much of the health bar is filled up LMAO. God, its like explaining how the earth is round to flat earthers.