Suggestion for Blitz

There’s tons of addons that show movement speed as a % and Sifu is correct

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Didn’t realize the game was called World of Sthiscraft*

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If pushing your glasses above the bridge of your nose made a sound, it would be the comments in this thread.

ok mr. run speed is 0%.


I never knew this…never had a reason to know this…but now I know and it makes me happy! :blush:

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0% increase from the base speed.

Walk speed is -50%? :laughing:

Does walking make me go backwards automatically now? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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No no no, walk speed is -150%.

literally nobody is going to put the start at 0% unless that 0% translates to not moving at all.

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maffs, how do it work?!?!?

This is what common core looks like when you can’t do it in your head :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

In my 15 years of playing World of Warcraft, I’ve never once seen someone say “Look, that guy is running at 100% speed”

It’s just one of those things you never think about.

Indeed. 100% + 100% = 200%

For blitz it’s 100% run speed + 100% epic mount speed + 150% blitz bonus = 350%

There are addons you can DL right now that shows you all this, if I was home I’d screen cap it, until then you can go ahead and DL them yourself and see.

I have though not verbatim, but never have I ever seen someone say “Look, that guy is running at a 0% increased speed”

As you shouldn’t. Both things are a very weird thing to think about.

On my character sheet, it says 5% for Speed when I put a Plainsrunner’s Breeze enchant on my boots.

Please screen cap it when you get home, and post it with your apology to me.

No not you. Sifu. He’s the one who owes me an apology and a screencap.

kick rocks