Suggestion: Enable DK-only hair colors for all classes

Oh, sure.
The problem is that VE hair color textures are not like belves (due to different hairdressing and the tendrils), which is why they can’t be ported directly like it was done with the skins.

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I support this…IF DKs get some more skin types and faces. We are a hero class and need customization on par with Demon Hunters.

Only 3 skins and faces for DKs suuuuck. Give me options Blizz daddy

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I support this, please allow DK hair colors for all classes.


Yes please! Gimme!

I’m still so mad that only male Night Elves get the bright pink hair. I was planning on using that hair color on my Night Elf Huntress, but nope… only guys can have pink hair. :confused:


Even Blizzard used DK-only hair colors in their “you can look like this in Shadowlands” post about new blood elf options:

(4th character in each picture)


For my part, I was more hype seeing those hair colors on the none-DKs rather than the eyes or even the skintones >_>… And yet, here I am. Baited. Still hoping for that haha

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You can have my hair color but here is the catch… You have to reroll to DK :slight_smile:


Yes, I like. These should be implemented immediately.

Still waaaaaaiting <3

Please Blizzard give us Death Knight Hair Colors. It is odd that a Dead Elf can dye their hair blue, yet a living Elf cannot. It’s a simple customizations that you could easily give to all the races, even the Allied ones by giving them the colors of their parent race, that would make many people happy. I know everyone that I’ve mentioned it too loves the idea.

It’s happening!

Ion confirmed on Twitter that DK hair colors will be unrestricted!


YES! Yeesssssss T_T

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Today’s PTR build has enabled DK and DH hair colors for all classes of each race that has them.

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Ok, now they can release the pre-patch. We are gtg!

That silver hair for blood elves is something I always wanted. It looks sooo nice!

Congratz, but did you have to necro?

First, you call one week necro?

Second, why make a new thread just to spread the news?


Yes, I do call a week a necro. I would even go as far as saying two days is a necro. The thread left the front pages days ago.

Well, your problem, then. I don’t abide by your rules.