Suggestion: add deathwing mount to wow store

I was playing Classic when the Anniversary Event happened.

I remember that day. When we finished Molten Core, our guild leader asked us to do some farming on UBRS. I told my guildmates that I would play Retail to attend the Event… to get the mount. Most of them laughed at me… they said “who plays Retail?”. I just went quiet as I dont want to offend my guildmates. I got the mount… I enjoyed timewalking dungeons to get the Deathwing Mount.

Several weeks have passed of farming Onyxia and Ragnaros. I lose interest on Classic when I realized I have to farm for gray items to buy my epic mount by repeatedly killing random mobs becoz Classic has no daily quest that rewards gold.

I left Classic… switched to BFA. I continued my progress from Normal EP raid and Mythic +8/+9… Now I am doing Mythic+10/+11 and on Heroic EP raid without worrying for my raid slot. I even got my Bee mount.

I was a Vanilla Naxx40 raider back then. I dont think I could redo Classic all over again. Lots of time wasting mechanics.

I look forward on catching up for new content of 8.3 and Shadowland. I am excited to be aggressive on getting M+15 achievement and AoTC all on Dungeon Finder as Casual.

Sorry that you missed out, but it took like 2 hours to earn the mount and you had the entire holiday season to do it.

People need to stop asking to buy everything that they can’t earn within the time it was available. Limited edition items are important in a game, as are time exclusive rewards.


Its this OP, blizz needs your user metrics, you should never stop logging in ever for any reason.

Time limited content triggers people FOMO, so if thats something that motivates you, better to never stop playing.

What? How could you miss a 2 month long event that only took 45minutes?

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I have to admit, it’s a pretty nice mount.

And not only that, on twitter, wowhead, we even got an email stating it would be over in a few days, you would have to be living under a rock not to know, I am almost certain for the last week its said you only have a few days left on the launcher.

wrong, its not spam. I SERIOUSLY want them to add it back to the game. either by wow store, or make the event an annual celebration or give us more time to do it. :slight_smile:

You created a petition thread. That’s spam.

As for your concern… learn to live with disappointment.

Oh you’re back. Imagine that. Btw, I would get the Vexiona mount before Shadowlands. I don’t want to see you back here whining.

It’s a cool mount but I’ll never use it. I always ride the Headless Horseman’s mount because it reminds me of my mare irl.

I’d give it to you if I could, OP.

I got my Corehound off the BMAH back in Legion for 200k. Since most people currently playing got the Deathwing mount, I imagine it’d be awhile before it really shoots up in price (assuming they add it to the BMAH in the near future, which of course is far from a given).

Itll be added to the BMAH just like the corehound was so in a way if you buy it there with tokens you are buying ti from the shop!

I love seeing people say, “You had two months!” and, “that’s what happens when you don’t play or pay attention!” But what about those who, like myself, were deployed in that time frame and didn’t even get the chance to play? Like I’m all for them bring it back for an event and doing it. But id really love the mount too

Are you a Necrolord?

He must not have realized this was an old thread, after searching back through hundreds of pages of threads. Easy mistake to make. :unamused: