Any time I’m killing something in SL and 37 drops, of which include 3 trash items (worth 11s), and 19 different kinds of meat (all useless), and items unique to the zone (that were never even useful on Day1 of SL) … oh the IMMERSION!!! I just wanna smack someone in the head over this IMMERSION claim.
It’s just ANNOYING.
Can we please just go back to the days of 1-2 drops? And if you got 2, it meant one of them was USEFUL??
I’m so flipping tired of getting 10+ drops and it’s all GARBAGE.
We’ve had “hard mode leveling” requests before. They always end with “and give me more and better loot.”
There aren’t nearly enough “all hard all the time gamers” who level enough alts to make this worth creating. Most of those types want to skip leveling content and jump right into end game. And I don’t blame them.
HAHAHAHA. Queues would never pop. You way overestimate how many players want to level a long, hard slog in hardmode, and how many players it would take to fill queues.
A full rework of leveling to cater to .1% of players who will level 1 character every 5 years isn’t going to happen.
I’d honestly just use it to go back and enjoy the game at a pace where I can explore the questing etc again while still feeling like I working towards something hence the slower leveling.
I could care less for rewards.
You could, they’d have similar mechanics before.
As long as it doesn’t effect other players, why does it matter?
I mean, this could somewhat work but not really what I’d be looking for.
I’d basically want a “journey” mode, where you could enjoy the game for the leveling experience alone from 1-Max if you so pleased.
Keep in mind, idc about rewards etc I can get all that in end game, I just want the chance to level a character and get that “true immersion” again.
Leveling quick is great if you want to get to end game (which has been the focus for years now) but I believe for the people that might want to go back and enjoy the “World” that made “World of Warcraft”, there should be a “journey” option.
Could I play classic? Sure but I don’t really care to play an old version of the game, I just want to enjoy the new version (especially with the new talent trees in place)at a slower pace which is near impossible with how quick the leveling is.
Don’t think it’d be hard to at least implement a 50% experience reduction much like you can toggle xp off in SW/Org.
I wanna see who would actually want that challenge ? People just want lvl toons and play end game… Classic lvling is actually like 90% of the game so you might wanna check it out
The problem is that these are all mechanics that were common in other, more hardcore games in the period that was contemporary with vanilla. People left those games because they hated those mechanics. They left to come to wow because wow was marketed as the easy MMO that anyone could play at any time, whether their friends were online or not.
The market for super hardcore games where (for instance) you lose progression when you die (or even suffered permadeath) is a tiny percentage of MMO’s in general, which are in themselves a tiny part of the gaming market overall.
In order for that to happen, you’d have to suffer from amnesia, as well as shut down things that didn’t exist in 2005 like youtube, twitch, and wowhead.
You’re not going to catch lightning in a bottle again, it’s just never going to happen.
Maybe for you but, I can still see myself enjoying it especially if I played with someone who has never played the game at all before.
I don’t understand why people would be so against having a “journey” mode while leveling, it doesn’t effect you in any way and it might get people more into the story.
Journey mode is fine, but that’s not what you asked for.
You want leveling to be more tedious? Take off some gear. Done.
The reason people don’t want Blizzard to waste time on things like this is because you already have it in your power to make leveling “hard mode”. But you don’t.
The “journey mode” you envision is your personal preference, the journey you feel is appropriate to you, a player who plays at a very high level of difficulty. The idea that some random friend who has never played this game before would enjoy an OG hardcore game where they died a lot is out there.
Most people play games to have fun. Your buddy wouldn’t be reliving your experiences from back then. He’d be overwhelmed by a game mode designed for the hardest core of hard core players, who have decades of difficult play under their belt.
Your friend would not only quit the game, but you would be lucky if they ever spoke to you again.
Leveling content is for noobs who don’t know how to play their characters. That’s where they belong.
It wasn’t. But your description of how hard a hard mode you want does not jibe with the idea that a new player who has never played this tame (or maybe even any other MMO) would enjoy being thrust into content that you find challenging.
That’s your journey. You clearly have no idea of what the learning curve of this game is, and assume that your buddy will be able to keep up with you. You are wrong. Your experience from decades of playing warcraft games cannot be duplicated by a new player, no matter how much you believe that every noob is 24 hours away from KSM. Or how desperately you meme gifs in order to cover your ignorance of how learning complex skills actually works.
I’m not kidding. You are not serious if you think your buddy is going to be able to play super hard content as well as you on day 1.
This is why new player retention is so bad. It’s designed by people like you, who delude themselves into believing that every noob should be able to play super hard content and suddenly git gud.
As I said to Brewa, a plain option to increase experience would suffice.
Assumptions are also dangerous, I was laughing at how ridiculous your claim of “your friend would never speak to you again” was; it was dramatic and amusing. I never said I expected my friend who’s new to the game to be as good as I was.
Hence why I said options are a good thing.
If you wanted to play with the damage taken increase/damage dealt reduction you could.
If you wanted to play hardcore death is final, go for it.
If you just wanted the experience increase you could do that as well.
Either way, having different ways of playing the game would be nothing but beneficial and I don’t see a downside.
those small numbers are def not worth pandering too however, its still a core game mechanic from generations ago to now.
push come to shove. server of hardcore enthusiasts might be a good idea.
maybe 1 server for each region so the hardcore harolds can be hardcore together