The subject matter of removing the succubus because your a complete tool you mean?
Yep. We’re in agreement.
The subject matter of removing the succubus because your a complete tool you mean?
Yep. We’re in agreement.
Ah here we go. Was wondering how long the ad hominem attacks would take. If you can’t handle the conversation go troll somewhere else bud.
That would be another forum rule for the list.
Like, forum rule #13 (lucky one)
“In forums Ad Hominem means your argument makes sense”
I already diffused your insipid reasoning a long time ago. But hey if you have to be the blonde to my Wednesday Addams, more power to you man. Just remember how it ends.
In your mind, maybe…
You’ve also changed and adapted your argument since you made your original post - so I’ll ask again. How do you define what is and is not a woman?
I’d you claim I’ve changed my argument then you have been following the conversation. If you’ve been following the conversation then you already know the answer to that.
My turn. How do you define a woman?
Not even that, are the orcs grunts in underwear like an elf’s bikini?
The Grunts like the sorceresses in Culling of Straholme in WotLK lost that original identity they had in Warcraft RTS, especially Warcraft 3 and 2 except the sorceress who was a fanservices JRPG magical girl which was a reason why Warcraft 3 is the best of the series in RTS.
as well as the use because a 60 hp orc with skimpy armor beat a human in shining armor.
I already leave this thread and it dies, it is only feeding one more troll that just seems to not care if it is doing good or bad to this problem, it just wants to screw up the world and game design.
It is no longer known it will be by tendency, by puritan, because he is telling the truth, in the end the post has it much in thread and many have responded that your idea is absurd.
As for you, I support your idea in each post that you responded to when it refers more to the details that we should not care about because the ESRB is the one that teaches us what we have to give our children.
And if he does not understand that, he is an ignorant father like the one who seeks more things in educating his children through a screen instead of his own responsibility in distinguishing what is good and what is bad without having to cover it or consider it as a taboo.
What is after the ESRB because of the time they estimate? If you are a father or mother then you can probably guess why that is. But if not, then maybe a Japanese fan service game is for you. Your opinion is not the same as everyone and won’t be because of that reason.
I have not been following the conversation post by post - I can tell that you’ve changed your argument by the fact you’ve editted the OP 4 times now. The last edit was over 2 week ago… whos to say you haven’t changed it again.
Additionally your initial post only talked about female subservience. The definitions between what is a female and what is a woman are similar but distinct.
I’ll humour you and present the definition as I see it.
As an example a 400 pound pregnant ape in a zoo who has developed a rudimentary ability to communicate with the zoo keepers through sign language is a subservient female who is being kept specifically for breeding. But that ape is not a woman.
A woman is something we recognize as a being a female with personhood would be the rough definition. In the real world that definition is typically restricted to humans only.
So I’ll ask you again - how do you define a woman? Because the Succubus is certainly not human. And one could argue that the Succubus is no more than tamed female ape.
There’s your answer.
Harmful stereotype of female subservience.
How is it different from a female ape in a zoo?
Are you saying they are the same?
If so, that means you agree that it IS in fact female subservience.
Glad to finally have you on board.
How? You know people have committed suicide over this game.
Which is tragic.
That further illustrates that we as a community still have work to do to take care of our own.
Good luck fixing the community but this game isn’t a safe space.
I’m going with your ideas for the sake of this definition - not because I agree…
I’ll give you another example.
Kick a female dog - that’s animal abuse.
Kick a woman - that’s assault.
Two different crimes for the same action - the only difference is what was on the receiving end.
So what makes the Succubus a woman?
Give me the incubus instead
this, end of the problem
She is a representation of the woman. The succubus take an overly sexualized human form in order to seduce its victims. She is then subject to the warlocks control, hence the perpetuation of harmful negative stereotypes.