Succubus is sexist please remove/ incubus incoming

You can always recycle a bad thread. Doest mean everyone cares what the OP wrote

People canā€™t seem to agree on if they are women or not. Itā€™s difficult to ascertain because we cannot ask the succubus how it identifies clearly. So we have to use inferences and context clues to glean a hint of truth.

Well start at the beginning Lokath - how do you define what is or is not a woman?

The more you guys bump this thread, the more likely it is that Blizzard changes the Succubus model.

You choose.

I think I made my position clear in the title and opening post.

Itā€™s not me whoā€™s confused.

I believe blizzard has been allowing this dialogue to continue because they were already having internal dialogue about the succubus.

Blizzard is using me as a lightning rod for players who are stuck in the old ways to vent their frustration and lash out upon.

Its a female of its species but as its not human and thus thes human virtues and prejudices dont apply to it as its not of our species so its of a world on its own where being its pure fantasy we have really no concept of what would be right or wrong upon itā€¦

Would be like determining a cows rights not to be feminized even though we cage milk kill and eat both genders do we concern how a cow identifies or how its wrong they are caged?

We do but mostly those are fringe groups with much hypocrisy and extreamist views as they dress in nothing and act like bbq mearly for some stunt to shockā€¦ Imo this tris on rights of a fantasy creature and a demonic one no less whatever its gender and caring about its freedom is about as equally as morally defunked as well its sympathy for a devilā€¦ You may show a viper kindness and save its life by holding it to you for warmth in winter but itā€™ll be at your own perilā€¦

Allow the viper to be a viper and let it to its fate as it will offer you no kindness either way you choose to go about its being.

That is easy, they are not. They are pixels.

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the fact that sex is offensiveā€¦lol yikes. WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?! its like saying that breathing air is offensiveā€¦HELLO?

I am not a puritan, but that analogy is non sense.

You can live without sex. You cant live without breathing.

However I must point out that some people find ā€œsomeone elseā€™s breathingā€ offensive, which is non sense, ofc.

But you cannot go around saying ā€œit is likeā€ when something is not like.

Sexist is removing the Kaplan references in Overwatch but allowing a confirmed racistā€™s NPC in Maldraxxus to remain up simply because she is a woman. Full equality or none at all. Simple as that.

Hmm, devils advocate I suppose

Some people donā€™t see it that way

Stop spamming to get your thread refreshed man.

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You donā€™t have to respond bud.

Who is a confirmed racist?

Rules of the Forum say spamming is not allowed. As for the rest, do your homework. Look up past tweets of the Maldraxxus Conflict Essayist. She has a major problem with people deficient in Melanin. Made some pretty racist tweets. Sheā€™s not worth giving the name of, but her NPC violates the companyā€™s policy. But because sheā€™s a woman, sheā€™s given a pass to be a racist. We get it.

Either we have full equality, or the company is full of crap on saying theyā€™ve changed.

Pixels ā€œwork for meā€, some more than others. My Conan Exiles pixel girls work so nice.

But regardless of the despicable things they evoke in my mind, I always keep in mind they are that, pixels.

Actually, to me, that is a plus, not a con.

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Iā€™m responding to other posters. You donā€™t have to participate in the conversation if you canā€™t handle the subject matter :wink:

(Edit: this one is better)

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