Succubus is sexist please remove/ incubus incoming

Please don’t get persnickety with me

Then just say you are trying to make the game better for yourself. Thanks!

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They are right though. After all, as we discussed long ago, if you get your way then my game objectively loses value (whether you like my position or not).

I’ve been waitin a long time to use that word.

YEAH… I can EVERYONE speak!!! nobody here is a puritan or sanctimonious who wants to throw the first stone, we were a teenager and we were naughty whoever wants to deny it, and that is not a problem for me to say it.

also about that Teen joke or Teenage humor came from another thread of the forum that the same was also complaining about this ridiculousness that as it says this has gone too far.

problem is, i dont consider her attire to be sexualized, just sexy. a woman can be totally covered and still be sexy. i argue her voice track when dying and her bdsm whip, are what make her sexualized, not her skimpy costume. but her sexualized bdsm identity is part of her lore as a fantasy genre monster. she is a monster who controls her victims via her sexiness. like catwoman from batman

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Frankly, there is no enough succubus action going on around these days.

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Yeah… like new blue pijama Samus Aran (because my favorite it’s the black bikini in Super Metroid) Tracer and Bayonneta, but I am not considering as sexualized (although I do not know how they understood my post because of my bad English) but the ones that this censorship causes, and their ridiculous and pathetic reason why they do it.

And that is not all due to the outfit, or whether or not he wears pants, such as Tracer and your :peach:, they don’t care.

unlike me the importance is in the flesh thing that did an honor no matter how android it was was 2B in Nier Automata or Cammy, although Mai Shiranui takes the award unlike Kunochi design as it was with Kasumi in Dead or Alive games, it is not known what the heck of rags is wearing?.

And it is exact, like seeing Morrigan in Darkstalkers, it is an authentic Succubus by right, in Blizzard I was fascinated by the lowest content in designing a succubi, both for making a cartoon aspect seen in the Warcraft franchise as something appropriate to the public without having to lose her sensual identity. It is the most that could be done without the need for him to lose his identity apart from that it was part of the Burning Legion bestiary seen in this game and very different from the design that the succubi is seen in Warcraft 3, although WC3: refunded had a much more appearance sexy that had in the original version.

Which I would have liked to respect the design of the elf sorceresses in Warcraft 3 which had an identity disaster when it came out in WotLK because in Warcraft 3 I liked an anime style of magical girl, very picturesque that I liked that detail that made the game great in character with appearances from anime like Orc Blademaster, Nigth Elfs Buildings not forgetting that they surpassed the Orc Grunt underwear thanks to archer Nelfs bikinis and druids only in mini skirts.

and that’s

which I can’t help because Warcraft 3 is the best.

And it is going back to the thread in seeing the bikini of a succubi, for more than a different point of view others have, I cannot indicate that it is sexualized, on the contrary the design of this summon has made it less detailed so that it is not only a center of attention in The game, however, has skills and attacks that give reason to its name, which was very necessary when using warlocks in pvp.

And to me, more than wanting to change the appearance (although I fear that it will do so with a censored version seen in 7.2 and 7.3) this banned its identity and the only summon that served a lot in pvp, as however it could not even be summoned, for say it is very op for pvp’s.

And as I already said, it is taking against the real identity of this monster in the florklore and cultural identity of the legends and mythologies, something like that Ninja Team had the idea instead of doing this in DMC3.

to this I already mentioned this problem and your videos in a previous post…

Which I already said, because Team Ninja DMC it’s sucks and not just because of Dante’s new identity.

Could you maybe summarize this?

Pretty silly to get bent out of shape about a cartoon! I’ve said this for years “it’s a game, it’s a game!” Keep your politics at the ballot box. People have gotten to #/mn sensitive! Maybe Wow could make a “safe corner” for all that are so sensitive.


Wow has been a safe space for many people since it’s inception

Just because it’s a cartoon doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want and not get any backlash for it.

I’d like to see equal opportunity here instead. Incubus option.

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That is a very common request from many other players in this thread. Maybe you’ll get what you want!

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

i argue her voice track when dying and her bdsm whip, are what make her sexualized, not her skimpy costume.

^ you missed that part.

unless you mean to say she is her breasts?

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Maybe it’s because I’ve lived a few decades, but I find this absolutely childish. There is no equivalence between art and a human being’s motivations.

Can’t we separate the actions of human beings and images? Do we not have the ability to freely think and act without being motivated by the things around us? If we can’t, then what kind of species are we?

Art imitates life imitates art

So now WoW needs to be made a safer space? People are suddenly feeling less safe due to things that have been in the game since it’s inception? Sounds like the problem is with the people and not the game.

I know change can be difficult, but sacrifices must be made for the greater good.