First they came for Field Marshal Afrasiabi, and I understood what a terrible representation that name was and I did not speak out.
Then they came for Mac’Aree, and I always thought that was a goofy zone name, so I did not speak out.
Then they replaced a woman with a bowl of fruit, and I found that odd but I’d long since forgotten that single piece of art from 16 years past, and so I did not speak out.
Then they came for my Big Love Rocket, and there was no one left playing to speak out.
Blizzard, this needs to stop.
You started with good intentions, and I do believe that. You wanted to remove the names of individuals who did not reflect your values and undo some of the hubris that goes along with naming NPCs and zones after key developers. I can understand this.
But it didn’t end there, did it?
You’ve now moved to the point of trying to rewrite over 16 years of our shared history.
Is an old–and very low-resolution–piece of art of a scantily-clad woman posing buried so deep in the game’s history that virtually no one remembered it so terribly offensive that it must be removed? I can assure you, it will be well-remembered now.
Are humorous double entendres no longer allowed? Is my sack truly no longer “Gigantique”? Are the bros truly no longer before the ho ho hos?
How long before my girl no longer loves to Skadi all the time? How long before Haris Pilton loses all her portable holes?
The game has been replete with teenage humor since the beginning. You’ve started down a slippery slope that has no end short of a complete revamp of the game to where it’s no longer our game.
What does this accomplish? We remember, thanks to these changes being so-well datamined. Indeed, we’ll remember long after every single one of these cases would have otherwise been long since forgotten.
And call it what you would, but my Big Love Rocket will forever be just that.
So, I implore you, do not knee-jerk these changes. Act with reserve and with wisdom. You cannot undo the past by rewriting parts of the game that may even hypothetically offend someone somewhere. We remember. It’s done and part of our history. Stop these changes now, and move on to make a better future for the game.