This isn’t the assertion lol
Only in an argument… not in a discussion. Which are we having again?
WE don’t even need the incubus alternative. WE HAVE male representation in the Warlock’s summon party, excluding the void, who probably is genderless, the imp. could be female or male. and the Wrathguard/felguard is a dude. if we get the incubus. i want the female version of fel/wrathguard.
Again with the semantics.
I knew when I entered the hive mind echo chamber, that this would be a difficult discussion to have.
I’m totally down with a feminine fel guard
Yes. because only one opinion matters, YOUR OWN, that’s the deal with turbo-feminazi. They do not believe in other ideas, that want what they demand, regardless how redundantly stupid it sounds.
One of your supports, the nightborne who clambers around the forum demanding change, but cannot hold a conversation or retort to say his own soul. left cause you weren’t woke enough
I have agreed with a few suggestions that people have made, I didn’t draw a hard line in the sand and not listen to legitimate suggestions. I’ve also admitted to being in the wrong for using the succubus before.
You are wrong as a whole, not just using the succubus, you whole idea of canceling women is wrong, because you feel that in some warped way that she doesnt have a choice, YOU ARE 100% wrong, you can’t sit and admit this entire poo-show is wrong, you need to do yourself a big favor. hop on Classic wow (not bc), make a lock. level it. do the questline for the succubus… if available. or better yet, look it up on youtube, SHE chooses to work with you, she is not forced into it, where is your nerd-rage over the demons and animals that are forced into servitude?
You sound like a right fighter, i dont mean politically right, you want to be right, even though your opinion is absolutely fail. you still cling onto hope of being right, and you’re not.
But that’s not what I’m trying to do at all.
that is what it comes across at, its 2021, women have a right to be as sexy or conservative as they want. your opinion and desire to change this does not set women ahead, it makes it look like you dislike women who are strong willed and you desire them to shut up and stay in line.
that is why the backlash, you look like an idiot trying to make women look weak, The succubus’ is mildly suggestive, but the wow succubus that you have, is a contracted worker, Also i read that she also falls inlove with the warlock… well if you are attractive Blood elf hair flip YER my lock is a BE. and fabulous
It’s not semantics - you presented an argument as the initial post.
You continually stating the rightness of your cause/side and the wrongness of the other side. You just tried to dismiss the majority of likes as trolls - while playing up your minority of likes as real people.
If you wanted to have a discussion you could have posed a question to begin with - and had far more openness to multiple perspectives. There would be no need for turnabout as it would be just sharing ideas - not trying to determine which ideas were right or wrong.
You aren’t too open to different perspectives - you’ve already determined what was right and what was wrong before you started this thread - and you are trying to convince others of the rightness of your cause.
You have adjusted your argument slightly as things have been presented to you - but adapting an argument isn’t the same as a discussion.
You wanted an argument - and you’re getting an argument.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting argument. But that is what you wanted.
I tried to express that I’m not trying to do that.
I advocated for more transmog options for players.
That’s your interpretation. You already said you like to pretend to be an armchair psychoanalyst. You’re wrong about my intentions. Sorry.
Your advocating aka DEMANDIN’ change, you even tried using Hearthstone for your backdrop, but made no comment when I said that the succubus shouldn’t be in a child’s game. WOW has a different rating,
Also with Hearthstone, you AS A PARENT should be pissed about that, they actually take microtransaction to children. lol. but ya. South Park covered that in an episode. By I digress.
This game doesn’t need an incubus, we have it, in a fel/wrathguard. we do not want nor need the succubus removed, this game rating has covered it. and if they do change, they better put in their MSRB “Pandering to minorities” as a warning
Sasskei is VERY accurate. that must be infuriating.
I mention hearthstone as an example of blizzard making changes like this. Even without that as an example, there are plenty more examples to back it up.
Lol not at all
Because Hearthstone is rated 8+. Children do not need a suggestive sexual character in it. But WoW is 16+. a mildly suggestive character is permitted under the warning. You used it as some sort of virtue signaling propaganda to push a narrative. I bet you have no issues with sexualized people reading to your kids. or Nickelodeon hiring a trans person to promote BLM, and all this stuff that 3-4 year olds shouldn’t be watching… that story hit hard for Nick, and they lost billions. And yet, no one that is a self serving virtue signaler was mad about kids being exposed to adult perversions and so on… but yes. lets be mad about a mildly suggesitve character in a teen rated video game…
Please do not call me an “ism” or “ist” person… that is silly.
That’s why I said with the hearthstone example set aside.
Blizzard is scrubbing the game whether I bring it up or not. Pictures of women turned into fruit. Removing /spit. Removing green skin. Removing sexual predators (this is good).
I bet the only reason this thread is still up, is because blizzard saw this as a chance to gauge player reaction to removing the succubus.
lol turning women to fruit. LOL what a bunch of idiots!!! If they want to remove sexual preds, my server i am on would be cleansed, its been a pervert fun factory for years. YEARSSSSS. then you will ask “Why you there?” Because its fun, there is alot more WPVP in moonguard server than anywhere else. also love the easy goin’ nature of people who do rp. you can be a silly character and no have people breathe fire down your neck like other rp servers. Believe it or not, i like being the punchline person in jokes and silly rp.
removing green skin? like orcs? lol. not happening.
So far, if they are paying attention to it, they will notice 99% of the playerbase is apposed to removal of the succubus. and adding incubus glyph, and i am saying they do not need too. because male representation is present in the wrathguard/felguard. THEY should spend more time making content. not virtue signal.