Subscriptions are not changing

You can still do that. That option did not go away or change.

Description Cost (USD) CC PayPal Debit Bnet Bal WoW Token
:clock930: 1 Month Day reoccuring Subscription* $14.99 X X X
:clock11: 3 Month reoccuring Subscription* $41.97 X X X
:clock12: 6 Month Day reoccuring Subscription* $77.94 X X X
:flying_disc: WoW 30 day game time token (with gold) Gold
:credit_card: 60 day Game Time Card/Block $29.99 X X X X
:dollar: Battlenet Balance (your account)** Flex X X X X
:money_with_wings: Gifted Battlenet Balance Flex X X X

*If you don’t want your Subscription to automatically renew, wait for it to clear the payment (several days), then cancel the Sub on the account. You can do this every month if you like.
**Check the Bnet Balance article for Restrictions and use