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Player created problem. You and your friends want to play together on a full server that literally warns you before you make a toon there. Bye.

You’d just be here complaining you can’t play with your friends if they locked it.


Yeah, and you’re getting an option to change realms for free.

This is Blizzard’s fault, they should’ve accommodated to these things far before it got this bad. They knew they could turn a massive profit and sacrificed server performance for it, now they reap what they sow as a lot of people are going to do what OP is doing and walk away.

It only hurts the community to keep blaming them instead of holding Blizzard accountable, they knew all of this would happen.


Wasn’t this an issue in the older days of WOW?

You can play it.

You’re just trying to play it in a place that’s already packed.

You’ve been given an option to go somewhere with fewer people and the answer most people are giving is “That place is dead”, ignoring the people that HAVE made that choice already AND the people that are already in that place.

You have options. You choosing not to exercise your options is on YOU.

Instead of holding players accountable for the choices they made? I think that’s what you mean.

Blizzard has always had the policy of letting players play where they want. That hasn’t changed since the beginning of WoW.

Stop blaming Blizzard for allowing you to do what you want, and then all of you screwing yourselves over.


it’s not that simple. not after classic and tbc playing with lots of people you have come to enjoy playing with. if it is that simple, then Blizz doesnt understand their own game.

It got mostly solved with Cross Realm which they should’ve done anyways for Classic, idk why they keep listening to feedback that goes against everything that made the original game successful.

Lol this is good stuff right here

Sometimes I think the worst decisions Blizzard has made over the years has been listening to the very vocal minority of players

I’m concerned people never take responsibility. They warned ahead of time about queues on mega realms, offered free transfers off when it happened, and have rarely ever locked servers to block player choice. Players made themselves a completely unbalanced mega server. Same players would cry if they were blocked from going there. Everyone could see the queues coming from our “dead “ high pop realms.

Agreed, not all feedback is equal and they seem to cheery pick a lot of their horrible decisions based off the fringe opinions.

no I chose a server that all my friends and guildies i have played with for years chose. I paid to go there when there were no Queues and the server wasnt full. I also transfered of a server that became 99% horde so the was nothing you could do in the game with out getting griefed( why did this happen? blizzard not controlling faction balance or server population). so yep i transfered. Now this.

Dont give me this is my fault or anyone paying to play the game.

When you go to a restaurant and get crap food do you blame yourself for choosing the restaurant?

Blizzard has more than enough resources whether that be money or access to servers to fix this.

But hey, You want this but you really dont want this has always been their mantra on classic. They are just trying to make it true.

60% of subs for blizzard right now are for classic realms not retail. hopefully more people show them how they have screwed up the game.

Or microsoft sees that blizz has spent the last 2 months inflating numbers by server transfer cash grabs, boosted characters 2x one pre-prepatch and now 1 after.
pump those books to get the most outta microsoft for your buyout!!!


hey its fun for a month at least

So, about your stuff…

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Think of it like this guys, let’s say you’re in line for a PS5 during launch, many people will get it and many people will not. Now, you’re left with a few options here, either wait till the hype dies down, get a the new Xbox, or keep trying. You can’t complain about something being popular and being unable to get it, because you were aware of how quickly it’d sell out.

Yes, but if this were added you’re going to get people saying "back in my day we didn’t have cross-realm, I quit. I am going to unsub. "

You are treating the playerbase like they have some sort of power then they don’t, just become some random idiot screams about making the game worse and less accessible doesn’t mean Blizzard should ignore the other feedback to cater to them because that’s how you get this bastardized version of Wrath that we have now.

Blizzard has the final call, they knew the outcome and ran with it because they wanted the profits of transfers over server stability.

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No, they shouldn’t have. Cross Realm came out when the game was LOSING players. It didn’t help the game gain more players AT ALL.

Because Cross Realm didn’t help the game become successful. It didn’t exist when the game was becoming successful. It was a response to the game becoming less successful and them trying to hold onto players any way they could.

But it is when you were aware of what a full server would be. I get you want to play, that’s fine. I want to play too, but I can’t because I am in a 2-hour queue, there’s other servers or you can log in earlier, so I don’t know what you want people to say to you lol.

And massive queues existed when the game was rising so it follows servers should always have massive queues

Yep, everyone claims they were either on the server originally or transferred bc they weren’t top faction on old server. Only thing they could do to prevent players looking for 90% dominant realm is block all transfers. Then you’d cry bc you have to reroll.

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