Subscribe to a Year of World of Warcraft® For a Slew of Extra Goodies

No, no, no!

Fix the game.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

12 months… not sure if I will be playing in 12 days… I’m getting old… maybe if there was a motorized wheelchair mount… or a service dog…

Fix the game first then you can worry about extra goodies to make money with.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Exactly how old are you? Dont give me those night elf years excuses. Im undead ffs.

Has there been any word on when we’ll get the mounts? I usually get them within 12hrs but nothing so far. There’s also nothing on the post saying when we should expect to receive the cat mount, only that the Lunar Near Year one will be out on or before January 31st, 2025.

Which is an available customization for blood elves:

And she has a bun hairstyle that’s not available to void elves.

Therefore it’s a blood elf.

You know…

Paying for a whole year of this is nice for you all. How about you do a solid for the players you screwed over with the guild bank bug instead? Actually spend some time doing a data dumpster dive and really for real return the items you lost. That would make a year of this more compelling.

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Meh I’ve gone 19 years without being unsubbed once. Although I came very close to unsubbing in WOD but didn’t do it. I’ve also always been on the yearly sub because it was the cheapest option in the past.

I hate monthly charges. That’s why all my streaming services are on the yearly sub option also. Pay one lump sum once a year and be done with it

Thanks for the free stuff.

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That is 100% what they are hoping for.

And people will still keep doing it for the pixel crack that blizzard can delete on a whim and say “too bad so sad”.


If Blizzard does one thing right it’s comic timing.

Its the new business model. Greed before need.

Well, at least we can agree when it comes to content, WoW has no problem supplying mounts and pets with a swipe of the credit card.

I’ll stay subbed for the year anyway, but no way Im EVER prepurchasing ever again.

Same but this has nothing to do with the game it’s more of a me thing. I hate monthly payments. All my streaming services are on the yearly sub option too.

If I could pay all my bills on a yearly model I’d do that too

I don’t think you know the meaning of the word greed.

I’m not defending blizzard I’m just pointing out that the apple is apple not Not Orange as you are claiming. Wanting guaranteed repeat customers is not being greedy that’s just being a business.

No customers means no business no business means you have to close your doors. You think if the restaurants you eat at could guarantee that you and everyone else in it when it’s a packed house would be there every night that they wouldn’t do it? :man_facepalming:

Again that’s not being greedy that’s just being a successful business and wanting guaranteed customers.

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Ok lets do it.
If I go to a eatery and the food sucks or is subpar and missing enjoyment in a lot of its menu, I will not continue to pay ridiculous long term prices to go there.
WOW needs fixed in a lot of areas and all they seem to be focused on is how to get more revenue flowing.
People are tired of payin the fee and get nothing for it.
I stick around because I have no life and this kills time for me. :sunglasses: :rofl:
I literally have nothing better to do

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Okay I can see you’ve never owned a business in your life

It doesn’t matter if the food sucks or not it’s still not being greedy it’s just wanting guaranteed customers it has nothing to do with the food quality. Guaranteed customers equals the successful business it can’t be more black and white than that.

Now the store mounts if you wanted to talk about any one of the storm outs creating those? Yes that could be classified as being greedy 100%

If there was a way that I could get guaranteed repeat customers at my business you better believe I’d do it. That’s not being greedy that’s just guaranteeing my business is going to be successful.

Now if I started selling cookies at my business that I went out and bought for 2$ for $8 a piece that would be classified as being greedy

None of those mounts models are even in the game, yet, btw. So if you read this article and thought to yourself, “This mount looks awesome and I need it!” You won’t get it if you do the year sub. Have to wait until they release them, which is seemingly at the 20th anniversary event, so save your money for now.

You can check your mount tab and they’re not even listed. Little bit too early of a cash grab opportunity on this one, BlizzAIGPT.

Uh yes I have. It didnt succeed but I have owned my own business. You know nothing about me but keep pretending you do.

Sure it does. Its a place to eat and charging an over inflated price for sub par food will cause you to go under fast. Blizzard is charging over inflated prices for sub par entertainment items and players are leaving fast.

Now with those facts and my victory over you I am now finished with you. Not worth my valuable time to waste on you. Not even another second.
Have a nice day :sunglasses: :rofl:

We are talking about the principle of the word greed here setting up a yearly sub to get guaranteed repeat customers is not being greedy that’s just wanting repeat customers.

Selling an item that’s clearly not worth the price you’re selling it for that’s being greedy that’s all I’m saying. It’s just like when people nowadays say I’m building a budget computer and they use all cheap parts.

Budget doesn’t mean cheap. I just can’t stand people misusing words. Budget means set spending limit. That’s it. The US government has a budget too. Disney has a budget and it’s in the billions