With hero talents, is the intent to have visual changes to the various classes as well?
There seemed to be some lightning stuff going on with the Mountain Thane but it wasn’t clear what level of visuals would be added.
Will Drakthyr ever get the chance to stretch out our wings and fly without a mount?
I inherited a friend’s account(s) when she died. Customer service understands and is fine with that weird situation but says I can’t merge her account into my Battlenet. Obnoxious, but okay. Fine. Can they at least be in the same Warband?
Is there going to any changes to the Auction House, esp. in regards to cross-realm goods.
While the recent cross-realm trading enhancements were a step forward in terms of in-world interactions, they have had a detrimental effect on realm-only crafted goods and those of us who have invested time and effort to level our professions.
As it stands, players with multiple accounts can buy crafted goods cheaply on high-population servers and resell them on low population servers for significantly less than it costs those of us with single accounts to produce them and still make a profit.
For example, a player with multiple accounts can buy Azureweave expedition packs for 500-1000 gold on a high-population server and then trade them to an alt on a low population server and undercut the crafters on the low population server and still make a decent profit.
This cross-server arbitrage significantly reduces the ability of those of us with single accounts to compete on the AH for what used to be exclusively locally crafted goods, often forcing us to sell our items at less than we could make if we just sold the raw materials on the AH. Alas!
Would you ever consider lifting the gear restrictions so that all classes can equip any gear type except for class specific sets?
So Dracthyr’s Soar to Become Full Dragonriding in Patch 10.2.5 - Wowhead News
This is not an W for Dracthyr and should have been there since day 1, This is blizz giving crumbs to those who play the Dracthyr to keep that $$SUB$$ not at all happy with this there is still a CD…
I am just tired of blizz not listening to the community I am going to give ffXIV a shot…
Blizz listen to your community listen to what we are asking for it wouldn’t be hard to give Worgens tails it wouldn’t be hard to allow DH to have some flight form.
And it shouldn’t be hard to allow Dracthyr to have a normal static flight when it’s already there, not this SOAR ability, it’s useless it still will have a CD and you still will have to mount up, I am so disappointed.
I have no words just proves what I have been saying all along.
Now That I’ve Seen The Deep Dive - questions for the Upcoming Xpac
I’m filled with adrenalin for the notion of all my mounts having dragonzoom ability. As you say, I hunger to see my own favorite mounts out there among us again.
As a druid I worked my tailfeathers off to get that class mount - the shapeshift to a huge glorious bird, the Lunarwing. It is not, strictly speaking, in the mounts tab. Will it be adjusted to be able to dragonzoom and when that happens can I bear a passenger atop me as before?
On behalf of people with disabilities or other difficulties handling the dragonzoom style of flight, I am deeply disappointed that TBC flying as you put it will be gated behind the entire campaign sequence, and therefore I ask - PLEASE tell me you won’t be having those Required Quests also Require spectacular skill at this kind of flight?
Back in the long ago my crew gathered around me to make sure their healer got through the Epic Flight Speed questline. There’s no such thing now, and the whole thing is a Feat of Strength at this point. Will you be reintroducing ways for TBC flying to get some speed advances so the non zoomers - TBC flyers - can keep up?
Signed, someone who spent ten days on two pesky quests learning “the impossible” in order to be able to pick up the sung-in-ads-and-legends evoker class.
Speaking of Not Keeping Up
The number of times in dungeon runs I have seen rudeness about people who are racing ahead not giving any friendliness or slack about folks taking the dungeon quests, looting, picking up the quest gearables - and kicking people who succeeded at things with a claim that they’re “not keeping up” -
As a dis-incentive to this style of toxic insistence on speed runs, can you somehow debuff people who abandon their crew and race ahead like that?
The “report” system really doesn’t work for this very well at all; the nicest people are the ones getting kicked, and the condition is sometimes such a surprise they have no idea how to search up the name of the Random Person who just gave them a wasted half hour of their life.
- Can you provide some way for people who are kicked to more easily give feedback on what the heck just happened there?
- Many times this may turn out “yeah my power died” or “my kids knocked over things” and a kicked-soul may feel it was legit
- other times not so much…
The number of times I’ve quit groups who did that to someone is also non-zero, and I don’t really want to be debuffed either for doing the right thing, storming out in solidarity of the victim.
Edit to add:
Maybe we could add “not a speed run” somehow to the styles of queueing.
Extra Question - queueing up for dungeons
When do we get cross faction groups to be able to queue?
Thank you for making world rares not super squishy but is there a plan to make world rares more soloable? Current state a rare with 8-12M health is nearly impossible to solo.
Already answered, TLDR yes: https://www.wowhead.com/news/dracthyrs-soar-to-become-full-dragonriding-in-patch-10-2-5-335915
Can we get global chat in WoW?
Will we ever get to play a Shadow Hunter in terms of class or hero spec? I think the hero specs would be a great place to put that fantasy into the game!
Also we had been told in the past that Nerubians specifically do not follow the void/old gods as a religion, with the addition of the new Kingdom, these ones seemingly work with the Void as a sort of partner through their queen, will this be addressed as to why they would suddenly start working with the Void/Old gods again after they had previously been averse to the idea.
The rework to crafting professions has been a major improvement with Dragonflight. Are there any plans to iterate this system further?
We’ve heard about some great changes for guilds and raid groups becoming more open to cross-faction and cross-realm play. However, crafting is still very much limited to both realm and faction with artificial barriers prohibiting players from advertising their services in trade chat to the opposite faction as well as well as players on other realms (especially a problem when the crafter is e.g. an Alliance character on a predominantly Horde populated server).
Further, while crafting professions have been generally successful, gathering professions felt like they were lacking depth and quickly became irrelevant. It would be great if gathering professions would receive some more love going forward. (I suppose combatting bots would be part of the solution)
Lastly, leveling professions, choosing a specialization, and unlocking new recipes was so much fun. I only wish this aspect of professions would have extended beyond 10.0. Perhaps this is a hot take but I would like for professions to somehow remain “evergreen” every season and renew the feeling of mastering your craft.
Any chance for larger Hunter stables in the future
I play WoW on a 17" laptop. Any mention of making the UI fit a larger screen makes me cringe. The profession UI is a major problem on my small screen and now it sounds like the spell book is going to be too large for my laptop screen as well. I have to play in windowed mode for times when I need to refer to Wowhead while playing. My window for WoW is set around 1200x760.
1 - Are there any plans to re-introduce the 2 rows of 4 vertical groups that we had prior to 10.0?
The only raid frame option that fits on my small monitor is 2 rows of 4 vertical groups. This option was removed in 10.0 and now the raid frames either invade the middle of my screen (1 row of 8 vertical groups) or grow too large vertically and crowds out the other UI elements on the side of the screen it’s on.
2 - Can you please leave the smaller UI elements for those of us with smaller screens? I want the current spell book window that fits nicely on my small screen. The profession window is far too large and I don’t want the spell book to be too large as well.
With death knights getting a san’layn hero sun spec, are there any plans to give death knights the darkfallen customization or even red eyes?
Will the Warband login screen allow more than 4 characters to be displayed?
- What are your plans to continue to iterate on the class and specialization talent trees?
An example of something that needs attention would be Mana Gem for Arcane Mages still being a conjured item with limited charges instead of a cooldown.
- In future could Hero Specs be used to change the role of an existing specialization?
For example using the Hero Spec talents to change a DPS spec into a Support or Healer spec?
I’m excited to see what comes next. Everything I’ve seen so far is a good start!
In regards to the new professions, I would love a wood worker–They could make staves, bows and arrows. Even items to put in to our houses (If we ever get them!(
Will we be able to cross-faction dungeon or battleground?
Is 12 months of content in a 24 month cycle going to become the new standard? Two expansions in a row where you’ve basically cut a patch of content for no reduction in price. If you play for the full two years it’s costing you ~$500 AUD and I don’t think that what we received this expansion and last was worth that cost.