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Would it be possible to get a red crane aesthetic(red mist) via these hero talents? If not could we see the option become available via a questline (pandaren heritage armor?) or glyph? Please show my favorite celestial Chi-ji some love.

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Any chance that Lava Lash rune can be made stand alone, feels kinda bad having to eat two Rune slots just to get the skill and that it can ONLY be used with Dual Wielding. Maybe something like…

You charge your weapon (off-hand if dual wielding) with lava, instantly dealing 70% (100% off-hand) Weapon damage. Damage is increased by 20% if your weapon is enchanted with Flametongue.

This way it can be used without flat out requiring another rune. Not only would this make the rune viable for 2h Enhancement but also for those who decide to go for the Shaman Tanking route with that new rune. It gives another attack in their rotation for sword (mace) and board for Shaman Tanks and another attack for 2H Enhancement.

Are there any plans to address the importance of “split raids” and farming lower difficulty content (Heroic raids, Mythic+) during Mythic raid progression?

It really takes away from the hype of the race when top guilds spend days doing splits before ever setting foot in Mythic. It may be a self-imposed issue (“just don’t do it if you don’t want to!”), but it’s necessary to be competitive and it would be nice if the developers could save us from ourselves without hurting the experience of the broader community.

With cross-faction guilds and cross-realm guilds, please tell me cross-faction dungeon finder and open-world content is on the horizon. This barrier still divides the leveling experience in a cross-faction guild when we can’t quest with friends the way we should be able to.


Shamans for all races??? Soon?

Even without faction war…Can we get more cinematics with war/ fighting scenes? Like the Key Art on which Anduin, Thrall and Alleria are fighting a swarm of Nerubians.

We don’t need faction war to hype the War aspect of the game and it should be reflected like BFA did with its cinematic.

Will there be a 2024 schedule, as there was for 2023? 10.2.5 is confirmed now, but will there be a 10.2.7? Just hope to see the content cadence stay high to carry us into 11.0 … please no content draught :slight_smile:

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Needless to say Dynamic Flight being retro-fitted to old mounts is great. With the addition of the Algarian Stormrider we have seen a glimpse at how this can work for a new mount type - and this one comes with slightly altered Dynamic Flying abilities (Lightning Rush replaces Whirling Surge). Since a gryphon is also a winged mount it makes sense to have similar flight characteristics as a dragon.

How would Dynamic Flying work for mounts that are not winged, for example mechanical mounts like the G.M.O.D or magical mounts like the Glacial Tidestorm? I think it would be really cool if different types of mounts would have unique flight characteristics (new abilities replacing Surge Forward and Skyward Ascent as well as perhaps Vigor as a resource) that would introduce some fun ways to choose the right mount for the situation.

Some wild ideas:

  • Rocket powered mounts use fuel instead of vigor, which allows them to go fast in any direction but will run out of fuel eventually and slow down or even crash-land in good old Goblin fashion.
  • Magical mounts rely on arcane energies which allows them to teleport short distances, they use ley lines and other magical energies throughout the world to recharge.

The changes to crafting professions in Dragonflight felt like a huge step in the right direction - meaningful spec choices, relevant crafted gear, and the workorder system all feel great to play around!

My concern is with gathering professions, especially in later patches. Skinning in particular loses steam very quickly, with the majority of materials worth silver at best in 10.2. Compared to markets like Dracothyst and Enchanted Crests that can net you thousands of gold per craft, the profits just don’t feel worth the time.

With this in mind, are there any plans for improving gathering professions moving forward?

Do you have any plans to make gathering professions secondary and allow all players to learn them in addition to their 2 main professions ?


Will there be a debuff limit on Season of Discovery?

with rep going full account wide, what does that mean for rewards when you max it out?? i like the fact that all my toons can get a reward from them when i get the rep up enough that you get the box of goodies.

Are there any plans to expand the Empowered Casting abilities to other classes?

eg. Aimed shot for hunter

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Here’s what I’ve got following the Deep Dive:


  • Given you’ve said the seasonal NPC’s progress will be tied to your Warband rather than your character, I assume/hope that their ‘loadouts’ will remain character specific. After all, my Mage will likely want Brann set up to tank, but my Druid or DH would probably be in tank spec themselves so they’ll need a different setup for him; I’m crossing my fingers I won’t have to keep swapping him back and forth for different alts.
  • On that note, how easy will it be to manage different loadouts/gear sets for the NPC? Will we be able to save a series of presets to toggle between with the click of a button? If we can, will those presets be character-specific or available to the rest of the warband?
  • How much control will we have over the NPC’s positioning/behaviour/actions? Will we be able to tell them “wait here for me” like we can in Sniffenseeking? One thought I had is that it would be really nifty if the NPC responds to pings, so we could use the in-game ping system to direct them.
  • If I enter a delve in a group, how does it handle the NPC? Do we each get one (our own identifying as “Brann” but our party mates’ showing as generic explorers) or is there only one NPC? If there’s only one, how does the game decide whose NPC to use for progress/loadout?
  • Have you considered the idea of a Dragonriding Delve? No need to answer this now, just wanted to plant the idea in case it hadn’t come up internally. Personally I dislike dragonriding dungeons (Nokhud has always felt quite disjointed and gimmicky to me), particularly for M+, but I feel like it would fit well in a more casual type of content like a Delve.

Great Vault

  • For the World row of the Vault, I’m assuming that the activities which count towards it will include things like the 11.0 equivalents of the Feast/Hunt/Time Rift/etc. - please let us know if I’m wrong on that.
  • For repeatable events, will it count for the Vault each time we do it or only the first time in a week? For example, if the Feast was a contributing event, would doing 9 Feasts fill that Vault row or would it only count the first?


  • For the love of god, please tell me one of the things you’re updating is the Guild interface, particularly with regard to professions. The new profession system in DF has really highlighted how much of a nightmare it is to figure out who in your guild can craft what. There’s currently no way to know how people are specialised or how much effort they’ve put into their trees. The whole guild interface is quite clunky and outdated at this point but the profession section is imo the most egregious.


  • Good call on removing the dependency on collecting Dragonriding Glyphs; you’re absolutely right that going forward into future expansions it would just be a hassle for new or returning players to have to collect them to be able to get around properly. However, I would like to note that personally I enjoyed the process of hunting them down, so I hope you do something similar again in future - maybe with cosmetic rewards next time so it’s completely optional. Could be a good premise for a short event like the Dragonracing Cups!
  • I assume you’ll be keeping the Catalyst in some form going forward, since to my knowledge you haven’t indicated otherwise. One big issue I have with it at the moment is that which items can and cannot be catalysed seems to be based on which content they came from, which is completely independent from their ilvl, quality, or upgrade track - so if you just have some gear sitting in your bag and can’t remember where it all came from, literally the only way to know if you can catalyse it is to go to the catalyst and check. I would greatly appreciate improved in-game clarity on what is and is not eligible for catalysing - either with a flag on the tooltip, or (preferably) some kind of straightforward rule like “epics yes, rares and below no” or “everything champion-track and above” which can be adhered to across the board each season.

When will Worgen get tails?


With the Alpha for War Within coming in spring and no 10.3/new raid tier does this mean we will be getting another fated season akin to the end of Shadowlands or will we be raiding ATDH for a whole year? If so why that instead of a fully fledged raid tier? In Shadowlands it was a choice between fated or nothing and fated was definitely the correct choice however I feel as though a “planed” fated season is a bit of a cop out instead of giving us another raid tier.


You mentioned that xmogs can now be learned by any toon who loots the item in the War Within. How does this work with Tier tokens?

Also, as an obsessive collector, I try to collect all sources of each appearance rather than just the appearance itself. Could we please have all ‘sources’ unlocked when you use a tier token rather than only the one for your currently selected loot specialization for the legacy items (so I don’t have to loot each one 3 times on my Paladin to get them all, for example?) :slight_smile:


Are there plans to extend the transmog changes to also make it so you can transmog any type of armor over yours?

Tier could remain class locked for the fantasy and such, but everything else should be fair cosmetic game.


Could we make Dragon shards of Knowledge BoA so we can help our alts with profession points. At the current little to no catch up. Would be a nice QoL for the end of this xpac.

Possible to get rid of 3 MIN Cds? The game has moved past them when you look at how M+ works. Things like Balance druids suffer from the long 3 min, same as Demo lock. Another thing that isn’t fun is dying sure hurts all but a Balance druid loosing all of its stacks of Arcane Pulsar is a real kick in the shine.

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Is some of the intent behind hero talents to provide a way for classes to become more like a support specialization if they want to? As a Retribution Paladin, I would love the option to do less DPS, but provide more support to the group like an Augmentation Evoker can.