Submit Your Questions for the WoW Development Team Here

Will there be more Warlock pet customization coming? Such as new skins for current pets.

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I’m sure its not high on priority list but, When will Dracthyr be getting their mage tower?
I feel like it is addressed a few times within Dragonflight that the Dracthyr are flightless why not make the reward for the mage tower gaining your flight. This is huge in the dragonkin world. Flightless dragonkin are looked down upon as lesser than. There are literal quests in game that support this statement. This would allow the Dracthyr to take their proper place as equals to those that look down upon their flightlessness and as a Hero class.
I think it would be ideal that they could use both dynamic and TBC flight.

will warbands include combining classic to retail collections ? It would be nice to access my zg mounts from wotlk on retail without having to max out a credit card on wow tokens and maxing out a BMAH bid to be able to ride them on the live game , If not will it potentially ever happen in the future ?

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Can we please get a Roadmap for the remainder of Dragonflight?

Can we get more Q&As like we did before with Josh? Similar to D4 Campfires?

Right now, We´ve the community council and all these questions which could be overwhelmed for WoW Team, Can we do more frequent interactions with the community? Maybe once per month for general questions, besides the Community council live chats that have been about a specific patch, expansion, topic.


Hugely Agree on Laptop Screen needs here

Can we make it an option, that if I plug in to a large monitor I can use layouts oriented to the monitor, and that when I unplug, it swaps to a chosen layout oriented to the laptop screen instead?

Right now it is a bit of a nightmare trying to get the icons smaller and the texts bigger.

For that matter any OCD desires to make player/party/target/frame displays the same size is trial and error right now and mostly a trial.

The action bars don’t share size logic, and although they shouldn’t have to, an option to be able to normalize their icon size, and then scale those all at once would make the whole layout tuneup much faster and cleaner.

Edit Mode as a whole: when things overlap it is a pain to shuffle everything like a deck of cards trying to get to the thing one wants to move a few pixels left or upward. Then moving them back.

Because I conceptually wanted “all the badguy things” over in one place and that includes the loot window for when i finish them off, but of course that means they overlap.

The Huge versus Thumbnail monitor layout issues are as old as this buzzword “world wide web”, probably older.

Help us out a bit here?


Will Delves offer higher than just m +15? Seems pointless unless the loot rivals M+ and Raid in the GV.

Can we get the Observer pet skin back?

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Your assumptions have nothing to do with my questions. They already said dynamic flight will be right from the start of the new zones, but normal flight will have to be unlocked. That is totally unfair to those who can’t tolerate dynamic flight. My questions about guilds are because my guildies don’t play much, or at all, mostly due to dynamic flight. We are tight knit and don’t want strangers in our guilds. Since I am mostly alone, i would like to be able to invite alts… NO, I don’t want a more active guild.
I would like the people I have been hunting with for 20 plus years to come back.

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Love what is coming down the pipeline for World of Warcraft. I asked a few questions that I didn’t see in the what’s next or deep dive.

  1. They said dynamic flying wasn’t coming to all flying mounts, however, will Druid flight forms be able to dynamically fly?

  2. With the Dracthyr having mingled with the mortal races canonically for a few years now by Dragonflights’ conclusion, will they have learned and developed some other class for their race?

  3. From a developer’s standpoint, did the support spec pan out as expected and if so, will we expect more support specs sooner rather than later?


Are there plans to merge Trade and General chats for alliance and horde? I love my server, but don’t want to feel lonely from the faction divide.


God give me a Vry’kul allied race, must have Vry’kul Paladin

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Will we be able to do time walking and or regular dungeons with the other faction?


Can we have a cluster of devs sweep the forums for complaints of Fun Detected, Fun Nerfed and put some of the wrecked fun things back in?

First on my list would be bodyshape toys?

As far as I’m concerned if a guild wants to storm SL Zovaal’s sanctum as a bunch of Automa and Nazjar Guards I say sure, why the heck not? Let us.

Will opted server phasing be a thing on the future?
E.G. I live in OCE and play on Frostmourne, but I want to phase to Moonguard to RP without having to join a party to phase me there.


Now that you’re acknowledging and embracing that the average player enjoys playing multiple alts AND you’re offering a new Allied Race in the form of the Earthen Dwarves… can we expect to see a lot more Allied Races in the future? There are so many races that have been been added to the game that would be insanely fun to play as in the future.

Additionally, and perhaps admittedly contradictory to my previous point, can we expect some of the existing playable races to get some more narrative love? It feels like races such as Vulpera, Kul Tiran, and even Pandaren are just coming along for the ride at this point. Some of them don’t even have prominent NPCs playing regular roles in even secondary narratives.

I just want the world to feel richer by giving more love to more of the races that have been introduced and then neglected.

When it comes to warband can i give my other toons some items that i have saved, for instance, my Warrior has the Legendary cloak from Mists of Pandaria, would i be able to put the Caster cloak in my warband bank and have my evoker take it to use in Timewalking?

Are currencies going to be included in the warband system?

  • Upgrade crests
  • honor
  • other expansion specific currencies
  • Earned PvP transmog & mount rewards across all characters?
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concerning The War Within >>>

what will the minimum and recommended system requirements be?

yes, there is time but lately the prices of everything are increasing rapidly and it would be great to know in advance if an upgraded is needed.


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By example, for people who have missed special unique mounts that are no longer obtainable in the game, such as the ( Warlord’s Deathwheel mount from Azeroth Chopper) . From now and moving on, where there will be much cooler menacing mounts like the warlord deathwheel.